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BigmanZ56's blog

Everything So Far

So far, so good. I've had matches with cool people and it's been very fun. People are still talking to me and asking for matches and I see some potential opponents. It's been pretty slow right now cause of school and now work but I'm really enjoying this and I'm looking forward to many matches with different people

Last edited on 11/12/2021 6:07 AM by BigmanZ56



NJWoodbridge (139)

11/12/2021 1:14 PM

Five matches in 46 days? Yes, I'd say you are doing pretty well! I wish you continued luck and success in school!


RojoLion (85 )

11/12/2021 1:27 PM

Congrats on the matches and welcome to the best fun. Keep up the great mat work and you’ll find the balance between this lifestyle/interest and life.


Hedgardo (3)

11/13/2021 11:33 AM

Me gustaría luchar contigo 👍


phil rouen (4)

11/21/2021 7:04 PM

Bonjour je veux bien de très long match avec vous. Testé votre force dans les jambes lol
