
Medlem sedan 13.8 år
Ålder 51
Längd 168 cm
Vikt 66 kg
Kön Man
Läggning Gay
Söker Man eller Kvinna
Utrustning square cuts, UFC shorts, border shorts
Talade språk Engelska
Sist inloggad idag
Sist uppdaterad 2024-10-28
  1. USA - New York, Manhattan
  2. USA - Florida, Fort Lauderdale
    (Jag är här till 2025-04-09)

Jag reser gärna 10 engelska mil
Jag är gärna värd / har lokal. (Bed-and-Breakfast)

Tidigare motståndare


5'6”, 145lbs. Lean, Musc, Experienced in grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Gi and No Gi). 100% for real. Can host matches with 10x10 mat set up near union Sq/14th st subway station.

Trained wrestler (hs) and Brazilian jiu jitsu (8 years). Down for matches with beginners or experienced fighters. I respect my grappling brothers of all shapes and sizes, but lookin for matches with other lean, genuinely athletic guys within 35lbs of me, 50yrs and under.

All about good energy and the primal intense fun of competitive matches, exchanging moves and holds, working up a great sweat, fighting to tap out, and open to more if it lines up for us both.

Always cool with coaching less experienced dudes in basic submission fighting techniques and learning new moves myself! Who gets the tap out is always a great goal, but the sweat, excercise, fight skill building, and hot fun (if it goes there) along the way is way more important to me than who got the most tap outs. (Tho yeah, I do tend to clock that, Lol)

This site has connected me to amazing folks and fighters all over the world. Lookin forward to more awesome matches and new, great fighter to fighter connection.

Keep trainin and fightin, guys!



Olymisk / Grekisk-Romersk Olymisk / Grekisk-Romersk
Submission Submission
Allt tillåtet Allt tillåtet

Matchstuktur: Jämn match, Träning, Utomhus

Vissa brottningsstil: Brazilian ju-jitsu, Brottning med kropps-slag, Folkstyle, Gyttje/Oljebrottning

Stand-up slagsmål: UFC/ full MMA

Diverse intressen: Jag har tillgång till mattor

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