- Grekland, Dafni
Place of residence
Hello, fellow fighters! Thanks for visiting my profile!
Nowadays training 5 days per week BJJ, but love all martial arts, from simple boxing or grappling to MMA/Street Fights! Every martial art has its own charm! What I love the most is intense submission with gutpunching (kneeing & elbowing as well), and generally intense, tough, rough, hard as fuck fights with difficult opponents, Alpha VS Alpha. Don't be scared, though, always happy to adjust the intensity and rules! The most important for me is both of us to have a good time!
As you can see, my legs are quite strong and I love crushing my opponents between my thighs (headscissors, bodyscissors, triangles, you name it)! Let's see how much you can take! 😈
I also like the fun part; strength comparison/tests, give and take, armwrestling etc.
I have the burning soul of a fighter and I'm able to give you a rough time on the mats! Let's fight! 😉👊🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👊
Don't hesitate to contact me! ^_^
I deeply thank the person that donated on my behalf and I really appreciate it! Wish you all the best, my friend, mental and physical health above all! I don't know if he wants to be named, so I won't mention him at the moment!
Olymisk / Grekisk-Romersk
Allt tillåtet
Kickboxning / Thaiboxning
Bara åskådare
Matchstuktur: Jämn match, Ge och ta, Träning, Flera samtidigt, Gymkompis, Inte intresserad av cyber, Söker tränare
Vissa brottningsstil: Brazilian ju-jitsu, Brottning med kropps-slag, Armbrytning, Titta på matcher
Stand-up slagsmål: UFC/ full MMA, Karate, Taekwondo, Slagsmål med kyntnävar
Diverse intressen: Vänskap
Fetischer: Söker inte sex, Söker inte fetisch, Muscle worship
Grekland, Δήμος Καλλιθέας, Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Αττικής
54 / 175 cm / 87 kg
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Irland, The Municipal District of Kildare — Newbridge
27 / 177 cm / 78 kg
Sist inloggad: för 1 dagar sedan
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Nederländerna, Almere, Flevoland
33 / 172 cm / 66 kg
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Israel, tel aviv
42 / 175 cm / 75 kg
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Frankrike, Hyères, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
55 / 186 cm / 86 kg
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Kanada - Quebec, Montréal
41 / 178 cm / 75 kg
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Grekland, Δημοτική Ενότητα Νέας Φιλαδέλφειας, Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Αττικής
37 / 192 cm / 88 kg
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Irland, Dublin
35 / 183 cm / 97 kg
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Australien, Sydney
32 / 175 cm / 80 kg
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USA - Illinois, Chicago
35 / 172 cm / 69 kg
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USA - New York, Manhattan
38 / 165 cm / 68 kg
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Tjeckien, Praha
36 / 173 cm / 81 kg
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51 tidigare motståndare i 11 år