
Medlem sedan 10.5 år
Ålder 76
Längd 180 cm
Vikt 100 kg
Kön Man
Läggning Gay
Söker Man
Utrustning shorts, singlet, speedos, whatever
Talade språk Engelska
Sist inloggad idag
Sist uppdaterad 2024-07-22
  1. USA - North Carolina, Charlotte
    (Jag är här till 2026-12-27)
    Charlotte, NC

Jag reser gärna 100 engelska mil
Jag är gärna värd / har lokal. (Bed-and-Breakfast)

Tidigare motståndare


Hey! I have 10 x 10 mats here and they are set up for use all of the time. I want to make them available for guys who need a spot to wrestle. It saves the problem of where to meet and saves the cost of a motel or hotel room. Though hosting, I do not require or expect any participation on my account. You can wrestle in private with the door to the room closed. I do not intend to be a voyeur. If you do want photos of the match I can do that and I will never put them on the net without the permission of all of the participants.
Though I have been given a clean bill of health after my surgery I guess it is best I simply do a semi-retirement. If invited I will have a go at it on the mats and do the best I am able to do.
If for some reason I might state an interest in a wrestling match and you don't care to have a bout with me then please be adult enough to say so.
I have met a bunch of great guys from this site and hope I can stay in touch with them.
So guys the mats are ready and hopefully you are too.




Olymisk / Grekisk-Romersk Olymisk / Grekisk-Romersk
Submission Submission
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Matchstuktur: Jämn match, Ge och ta, Träning, Enbart online, Inte intresserad av cyber

Vissa brottningsstil: Brottning med kropps-slag, Folkstyle

Diverse intressen: Jag har tillgång till mattor, Vänskap

Fetischer: Brottningsprylar

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