- Storbritannien, City of Westminster, England
Here for the foreseeable future - USA - Virginia, Henrico County
From Virginia
Jag reser gärna 100 engelska mil
Moving to United Kingdom by the end of the year 2024 look forward to some future opponents in a new country. I have decided to leave the United States, for a multitude of reasons, this has been something 2 years in the making. I do not take this decision lightly but still have yet to iron out some of the details depends on where I can find work and housing.
Guess it's time for an update, yes, I am a blackbelt in Tae kwon do, but don't let that intimidate you though. I consider myself a martial artists would love to learn more about non standing styles even pro. Love to learn more styles, techniques and holds etc. from an opponent, glad to play punching bag. More than willing to pass along what I know as well punching bag not required.
Open to the more in and out of the ring but definitely talk to me about it chances are you could probably convince me. Open to things not listed as well have helped with pictures and more with past encounters.
Olymisk / Grekisk-Romersk
Allt tillåtet
Pro wrestling
Kickboxning / Thaiboxning
Bara åskådare
Matchstuktur: Jämn match, Ge och ta, En har övertaget, Brottning på låtsas/kul, Träning, Flera samtidigt, Två mot en, Gymkompis, Utomhus, Enbart online, Per telefon, Söker tränare, Erbjuder instruktion
Vissa brottningsstil: Brazilian ju-jitsu, Brottning med kropps-slag, Promission, Brit pro wrestling, Armbrytning, Titta på matcher, Poolbrottning, Gyttje/Oljebrottning
Stand-up slagsmål: Karate, Taekwondo, Slagsmål med kyntnävar
Diverse intressen: Massage, Vänskap, Relation, Vinnare, Förlorare, Vad
Fetischer: Söker inte sex, Söker sex, Brottas för att dominera, Brottningsprylar, Nakenbrottning, Face sitting, Rip and strip, Muscle worship