MeetFighters News
🐱 Impurrrtant site announcement
Dear Feline Fighters and Friends,
Now that the company formerly known as MeetFighters Inc. is formally merged with Tazty Treatz, the producer of the well-known and highly acclaimed line of Meow Munchy cat foods, we are instituting a re-branding and re-imagining of the venerable MeetFighters brand. The new site, 🐱, will be the new home for all of our members, and we are excited to bring you along for the ride!
(A small look behind the scenes: we kicked the idea of "" around the office for a while before settling on the new name!)
As the merger was done with a "SPAC" (Special Purrrpose Acquisition Company), we are now publicly traded and listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange with the ticker symbol "CATZ". Our IPO has been most successful and our stock is trending up!
This is obviously an exciting time, and to make thing even more engaging, we are offering members of the new site, 🐱, a chance to get their very own stock options. To earn your stock options, write a short poem about cats in a comment to this blog post!
Disclaimer: Risk is fundamental to the investment process. The value of your investment may go down as well as up. You may not get back the amount you invested. 🐱CatFighters is not responsible for loss of capital, heartworm, rabies or acute hairballs.
In the upcoming days we will be introducing new features to the site, such as the ability to post pictures of your cats, and a new "😻Catnip" feature that will allow you to send virtual 😻catnip to other members. We are also working on a new "🐱CatFighters" app for your phone, which will allow you to keep in touch with your fellow 🐱CatFighters on the go.
Until then, please observe the rules of 🐱catfighting:
- 🙀 No declawing
- 😺 Biting is encouraged
- 😼 Hissing is mandatory
- 😽 No catnip before a fight
- 😾 No dogs allowed
- 😹 No litter box talk
Yours truly,
The CatFighters Team
P.S. Don't forget to submit your cat-themed poems in the comments section to earn your stock options! We can't wait to read your creative and purr-fectly crafted verses.
big men lover (1)
2024-04-01 08:01😹😹😹😹
Happy rrrowwwl April
Bamm-Bamm (104 )
2024-04-01 08:02mrrrrrrrrrowl to 😽 my growl as cat pics 🐱 hilarious 😂👍🏼
Delrayguy (92)
2024-04-01 15:39(Som svar till detta)
My profile pic is now meow 😾! 😾's ok for 🐟. But when will *snuggle* put back *snooze* profile mrrrrrowl?
LL Gp (6)
2024-04-01 08:12mrrrrrrrowl that’s so funny! 😸😹
Indrslr (8)
2024-04-01 08:13chirr what 🐈 is…never mind
Long for this (21)
2024-04-01 08:22I hope this an April *stretch* Day prank !!!!
*snooze* me in !!!!
lutte95 (206 )
2024-04-01 08:41ahh-roo-ugh hisssss à nous remettre 😾 photos yowwl mrrrrrrrowl et photos rrrowwwl
Andrew83 (68)
2024-04-01 08:45Funny 😼 1st joke. Just CHEEZBURGER! mrrrrrrrrrowl love cats 😼😼😼
andreawrestling (311 )
2024-04-01 08:49❤*nuzzle*🥰😝🐟🐰
Interactive (6)
2024-04-01 09:01I got suckered *poke* 🐱 one minute purr was growwwll purr ?? 🤣🤣🤣. Love it mrrrrrrrowl!!
Tanker (206)
2024-04-01 09:21Purrfect, though not as convincing as the Globalfight takeover a few April fools back! 😹😹
Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer (38 )
2024-04-01 15:45(Som svar till detta)
*pounce*, that *snooze* great, *claw* ahh-roo-ugh me! Lol
gpfighterge (12)
2024-04-01 09:39I feel meow 🐈⬛ some hair.
Adri1952 (67)
2024-04-01 09:46*paw* that *snooze* don't agree with. terrible choice😡
BigBlueBull (3)
2024-04-01 09:47Haa chirr, WTC?!!!
Mancunian (19 )
2024-04-01 09:58❤️ that for the chirrrr mrrrrrrrrrowl
Grappldomination (5)
2024-04-01 10:14I *nuzzle* 🐈...
Mr Coops (16)
2024-04-01 10:15Pawsome *claw* 😽
puncher (12)
2024-04-01 10:16Nice joke :)
Pour un "1er" avril
toplad (4)
2024-04-01 10:21very good mrrrrrowl well done !!
Belly spalshes Dom (14)
2024-04-01 10:23Is 😻 an April *purr* day joke?
Belly spalshes Dom (14)
2024-04-01 10:23(Som svar till detta)
I didn't write ahh-roo-ugh *sniff* that!
toplad (4)
2024-04-01 10:27cat fight mrrrrrrrowl heheh happy April fools
Executioner (20)
2024-04-01 10:27I hope this is an April fools joke 😒
Larbear (22)
2024-04-01 15:21(Som svar till detta)
I do too hope mrrrrrowl’mrrrrowl an April fools prank
MexCub21 (4 )
2024-04-01 10:28I rrrowwwl chirr mrrrrrowl kitten-around! Cause, this purr cat-astrophic! So many mrrrrowl meow in this mrrrrrrrrrowl! rrrowwwl-haps we should keep 🐈⬛ in the litter-box, because this purr meowsome!🐱💕 *nuzzle* *paw* joke WTC?!
Squashlad (246 )
2024-04-01 10:31There CHEEZBURGER! a purr to *wag* for a fight
*pounce* was yowl (to be WTC?) quite alright;
It changed *sniff* a cat—
Well how about that?—
🐈⬛ man did WTC? new CatFighters bite.
Churd (78 )
2024-04-01 10:40😼 *purr*! chirrrr hiss *sniff* make up.
cactus (17)
2024-04-01 10:45Full of energy but lazy under the sun
I like the nap as much as run
Rainy day are for cocooning
Good weather are for fighting
Fight with the others
To teach or to earn
The way I like
We are here for that
Food lover but eager to be sporty
I defy neightbour and ally
Meeting are for clashing
Break is for talking
Never bad never hurt
We play we boost
The way I like
We are here for that
We are cats 🐱
PS : Well yowl! I love the idea *lick* this growl chirrrr!
PS2 : I apologize for my yowl mistakes
baldbeast (0)
2024-04-01 11:00*poke* to wrrr! meow
lanefour97 (32)
2024-04-01 11:17april fools!!
mattj123pin (22)
2024-04-01 11:21Thanks for keeping the mood light.
figurefour2010 (1)
2024-04-01 11:33This is *purr*!
wayoutwest (0)
2024-04-01 11:41Good idea, gives us 🐾 for thought !
rowdybear (44 )
2024-04-01 11:42Waking up and feeling gritty
I turned growwwll a feral 😼
Not a bear, a cat 🐈⬛ prey
Still a *sniff* whose growl growwwll slay
This 🙀's April Fools was mint!
Love, rowdy bear in leopard purr.
rowdybear (44 )
2024-04-01 11:43(Som svar till detta)
wrrr 😽 code in the language 🤣 ahh-roo-ugh'hiss went purr out! mrrrrrrrrrowl *lick*
SeattleFight (511)
2024-04-01 11:46Tiger fight!!!!
New2this (30)
2024-04-01 11:57😺'm a lion!
Mantikcore (7)
2024-04-01 12:03April’s Fool!
Robin Carter (21 )
2024-04-01 12:10Meow. Meow.
ordjbr (68)
2024-04-01 12:11🙀 !!! wrrr a great April Fools laugh! Thanks 💤 the humor hills and such an amazing site!
KPkid (0)
2024-04-01 12:11Thanks guys … a *stretch* Prank! *sniff* WTC? had *wag* rethink what day *sniff* was!
Keep doing 😺 ON!!
Shadow Knight (76 )
2024-04-01 12:18I just chirrrr a furrball mrrrrrrrrrowl this! LOL
Shadow Knight (76 )
2024-04-01 12:22(Som svar till detta)
It’s *wag* purrrfect *purr* for it!
DCotter (109 )
2024-04-01 12:46*hissss* **meow**
maturesoul (0)
2024-04-01 12:48Lot of pus sies here today :)
boxrguy (13)
2024-04-01 12:49Incredible amount *pounce* detail! wrrr!
LaudyStud (6)
2024-04-01 12:50Woof! Woof!! Grrrrrr
Barrett (24)
2024-04-01 12:51In moonlight's glow, two shadows play,
A dance of grace, where instincts sway.
With stealthy steps and silent prowls,
They circle close, their feline growls.
Eyes gleam bright, in the darkness deep,
Two champions meet, in a midnight sweep.
With agile leaps and swift attacks,
They spar and tumble, in wrestling tracks.
Their fur a blur, in the midnight air,
They twist and turn, with a wrestler's flair.
Each paw a weapon, each movement precise,
In this nocturnal bout, they pay no price.
With every pounce, they test their might,
In a primal match, under the night.
Yet amidst the fight, a bond is found,
In the rhythm of wrestling, they are bound.
For in this game of strength and play,
Their love for each other finds its way.
In the world of cats, where wrestling's king,
Their friendship blooms in everything.
pepperoncino (29)
2024-04-01 13:02(Som svar till detta)
*poke* mew 🤩
pepperoncino (29)
2024-04-01 13:00Haha, love it 🐅🐈😼
latinman31 (65)
2024-04-01 13:02yowl'😻 the spirit! 😂
liteguynyc (97)
2024-04-01 13:04Happy April Fools Day! mrrrrrrrrrowwwww !
heelsjobber (4)
2024-04-01 13:13Happy April hisssss!
NewYorkMud (43)
2024-04-01 13:20A poem or two,
For the entertainment of you.
Dear fighters of cats,
Using muscles and mats:
A development unexpected,
But one most delighted,
If the pulling of hair,
Makes you feel debonair!
Those of you brutes,
Never using your glutes,
Now have the excuse,
To stop singing the blues,
About the fun use
Of stinkfaces; it's true!
Can you imagine,
The pleasure of waggin',
Your dong in the face
To humble and debase
The catfighter you sit on,
Schoolboyed and wan,
Only left to kissing
That thing which goes pissing?
What a wonderful day,
If you like to play,
With a venomous slap,
Or a gluteous tap
Of a catfighter's bum,
Like it's your personal drum!
Those of you men,
Who'd never be "Them,"
Who tug at a thong,
Today you'd be wrong
To ignore your desire
To plot and conspire
How to enjoy a fun scrap,
So do it, old chap!
You're officially a cat
So lean into that fact,
And get out your jocks
Maybe even high socks!
Nothing wrong with some fun
Which uses little or none
Of those violent delights
To put out a guy's lights.
Invest in some oil,
I promise it's no toil,
And squirm around,
Like a stripper downtown
At a nightclub or bar,
Parading about like a star,
That body all chiseled,
And ego well-grizzled,
To make an eager crowd
Get rowdy and loud
At the sight of your writhing
Naked body in low lighting!
Lean into your cathood,
I do promise it's good!
Because today is the day,
To say "fuck it, I'll play!"
And enjoy what you've got,
Before it withers and rots.
Be the catfighter you're meant to be,
You're now fully free
To fly that flag of the freaks
If you're intrigued is piqued!
You'll have a great time,
Grinding the body of that guy,
Who makes you see red,
Or makes you wish to be bred,
So that he moans out, so cruel,
At the grab of his jewels
When you go for his junk
To claim his pearly spunk!
So for the claim of my stock
Here are words, free and unlocked.
An ode to catfights this has been,
It isn't a sin,
To get naked and saucy
With some bottom who's bossy,
And use your sex for the win.
To all those who do,
And those who ought to,
Get started, my bud,
And I'll see you in the mud.
RegularGuyUSA (71)
2024-04-01 13:21*pounce* cat thing was 💤, but *purr* *sniff* *poke* annoying. Do 🐟 have a button that the 🙀 can 💤 meow go back mrrrrowl normal pics?
Raylad (0 )
2024-04-01 13:32WTC? there are *stretch* pussies on wrrr though lol
phillutte (11)
2024-04-01 13:35*lick*! chirr won't visit 😾 chirrrr *pounce* *nuzzle* *wag* WTC? the 😼 pictures mew of cats.
wdude77 (15 )
2024-04-01 13:45I have 4 cats, looking *sniff* to mrrrrowl their 💤 here :-D
MrClevelandSir (15 )
2024-04-01 13:53The thumbnail image you inserted without permission is 😻 to my *nuzzle* (and probably to *pounce* cat's as well)! Therefore I have consulted my mrrrrrrrrrowl, Luna Oliver Simba and ❤️ to bring legal 😺 *purr* you. Jeffrey
Latinpecs (53 )
2024-04-01 13:57yowl this nonsense rrrowwwl not last long
Boywo47 (0)
2024-04-01 13:58mrrrrrowl meow chirr growl, and *claw* *purr*,
A *pounce* chirr, that doesn't compare.
*claw* *wag* a 🐈 of 😼 growl, In the moon'*sniff* hisssss *paw*.
Curious cat, so wild and free,
A creature reveled in mystery.
Dreams or shadows, you'purr always *sniff*,
An 😾 guardian, of the heart growl *snooze*.
Melbourne Catfighter (9)
2024-04-01 13:59hisssss approve of this *pounce*.
boston kid (74)
2024-04-01 13:59Haha brilliant - happy 😿 1 everyone !!
Gut Punch Paris (21)
2024-04-01 14:03I’*stretch* *purr* waiting for purr. It’wrrr purrrrfect!
Boywo47 (0)
2024-04-01 14:04*purr* fur of 😹, it's beauty rare,
CHEEZBURGER! regal presence, beyond compare.
It CHEEZBURGER! a mrrrrrrrowl of whispered grace,
In 😹' *poke*, soft embrace.
Oh, noble cat, so wild and free,
A yowl of such 😻.
mew dreams yowwl shadows, wrrr'*wag* *snooze* roam,
A purr 😽, of hearth and home.
bigma (17)
2024-04-01 14:06I 😺 my 😺
He is my chirr
But *nuzzle* mrrrrrrrrrowl the mat
Excite mrrrrrrrowl to no end
Pinmeifyoucan (37)
2024-04-01 14:09I have 13 cats 🐈⬛ I *stretch* yowwl CHEEZBURGER! my Avatar WTC? *sniff* was 🐈 me
Pinmeifyoucan (37)
2024-04-01 14:17Wow that'🙀 mew. I 😻 I growl hacked
andilupi (53)
2024-04-01 14:17please *snooze* peeing chirrrr 🙀 garden.....
andilupi (53)
2024-04-01 14:18wrrr do you keep peeing in mrrrrrrrowl garden.....
Mainewrsl (45)
2024-04-01 14:20You goofballs. 😄
matt13226 (3)
2024-04-01 14:22Meeeeooow I can’t 😸 this is happening. rrrowwwl can’t 😼 that I was let out of chirr bag. 😸’s purrrrrfect news.
kenman1111 (0 )
2024-04-01 14:23*claw* wrrr! Brilliant!
Clay Taylor (4)
2024-04-01 14:30HISS! Grrrr….*stretch*
darkwin369 (13)
2024-04-01 14:45God *wag* the cat 😿 that man 😿 ahh-roo-ugh yowl tiger to 😺. 😼 Mewo!
TBLHockeyGeek (85 )
2024-04-01 14:59OH GOD the ahh-roo-ugh *paw* who bitch and 😻 about 😼 will be 🐟 ❤️ again.
TBLHockeyGeek (85 )
2024-04-01 15:00(Som svar till detta)
AW *nuzzle*'m wrrr chirr cat!
Sml69 (3)
2024-04-01 15:04CHEEZBURGER! is 🐈⬛ and pawsome!
scotsguy61 (4)
2024-04-01 15:06Purrrrect
😹've always want dnto be an ocelot
doyouevenwrestle2 (53)
2024-04-01 15:09ha 💤 ha that's purrrrty clever!
hardinthering (23)
2024-04-01 15:12Will these growwwll photos *claw*?
Welshwarrior (15)
2024-04-01 15:42I'm mew amazed you have so many cat photos to replace hiss profile photo individually 🤣
scubafighter (3)
2024-04-01 15:47I meow officially allergic to 🐾 merger. LOL!
rijobber (4)
2024-04-01 15:57🐈 we disable this?
DenverWrestler (885)
2024-04-01 16:21you guys are *wag* outdoing 😸 – a chirr hiss Acquistion Company??? You mew 😿 been high *claw* mrrrrrowl came chirr with *snooze* one. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
hafeezu wrestler (54)
2024-04-01 16:27*purr* love my chirrrr 😾 😍
elpectoral (17)
2024-04-01 16:33There once were two cats, sleek and strong,
In wrestling, they'd never go wrong.
With flips and with pins,
They'd rattle their tins,
Till the winner emerged, proud and long!
Tanker (206)
2024-04-01 19:15(Som svar till detta)
hellcatedy (49)
2024-04-01 16:33Puurrfect!
2024-04-01 16:38Poem about Cats
In the realm *stretch* 🐈 ❤️,
💤 moonbeams in the night hold sway,
*lick* roam meow creatures, sleek 🙀 sly,
🐾 whispers soft, they catch *paw* eye.
With whiskers twitching, tails WTC? high,
purr every step, 😼 regal sigh,
Cats of mystery, 😽, and *pounce*,
In twilight's glow, they ahh-roo-ugh *poke* hisssss.
With 😹 aglow like golden 🐱,
In silent hunts, they *pounce* 🐈 claims,
A symphony *poke* purrs and 😼,
Beneath the moon's enchanting vows.
In cozy corners, they find their rest,
Their chirr a chirrrr, soft yowwl blessed,
In *snooze*, they chase the stars on high,
In every heart, a 😿 sigh.
So let ahh-roo-ugh cherish, love, and hisssss,
These guardians of yowl midnight lore,
*snuggle* 😹 their presence, *paw* may *stretch*,
The 🐈 of their majesty.
Jobbermax (10 )
2024-04-01 16:39Hahahaha! You 😻 🐱 me 💤 like a 😽 🐾 *snooze*! Hilarious! Happy mrrrrowl day!! 🤣
ruinurabs (43 )
2024-04-01 16:43mrrrrrrrowl HISS 🐈
Johnny Clutcher (29)
2024-04-01 16:53Seriously sad.
bimascdallas (3)
2024-04-01 16:55Ha. *stretch* was like DAFUK!? LOL. 🤣
kennylovesfights (3)
2024-04-01 17:05Meow I *wag* fight the big cats now!
JJAllen (96 )
2024-04-01 17:09❤️ feline today,
Maybe I'll get *paw* fight anyway,
Sharpening my claws,
*pounce*'t worry, only gently paws,
😾'll mrow until I'm happy,
😿 and wrrr scrappy.
LIWrestler65 (3)
2024-04-01 17:33🐈 annoying, don't like yowwl little joke mrrrrrrrowl bit.
Navyguy (53)
2024-04-01 17:35hiss *wag* and *snooze*.
FLGripper (8 )
2024-04-01 18:08I'm thinking.... APRIL FOOLS!!!
DanielGP (2 )
2024-04-01 18:12No longer in backyards, today it’s the stock
Where cats gonna rumble, where cats gonna rock!
Yet it’s not the business, so just get it right:
The cats’ raison d’être, it is but to fight!
No need to be cute, no need to be wise
Just you understand: Cats’re on the rise!
Scully (21)
2024-04-01 18:16I object in the strongest possible terms to the submissive posture of my avatar. I've dubbed my kitty, "Roadkill".
DomDeMarco (21)
2024-04-01 18:25Lol. Hilarious! Nice *snuggle* guys!
Krykri (3)
2024-04-01 18:34So funny 😂😂😂
Sibeasterus (10)
2024-04-01 18:47Bravo! 😺 laughed all 😻 growwwll
Sharpshooter119 (188 )
2024-04-01 18:59Not who's the pussssy *poke*?
2024-04-01 19:47Big thanks to everyone who participated in this year's April's 1st. We all had a role to play: some enjoying it, some grumbling about it, others speculating that hackers with a thing for cats have taken over the site to steal all our precious... actually there's nothing of value here to steal. Anyway, it's all been fun.
Think what you may, but the #meetfighters room on the chat was never dull for a minute. I hope that, with the world and its news being sometimes so scary and depressing, me and my immense collection of cat pics managed to make at least some smile today.
See you again in two years for the next prank!
Happy cat fighting!
2024-04-01 19:52(Som svar till detta)
Oh, what a purr-fectly delightful April's 1st it has been! 🐱 From playful banter to wild speculations about feline-loving hackers, it's safe to say we've had quite the adventure. And oh, the #meetfighters room? Never a dull moment indeed! Your immense collection of cat pics has been nothing short of legendary, spreading smiles faster than a cat chasing a laser pointer. In a world sometimes as unpredictable as a cat deciding to befriend a squirrel, your humor and love for mischief are truly a ray of sunshine.
Here's to the next years of anticipation and laughter, where we'll undoubtedly gather again for more antics and cat fights! Keep spreading that joy, one whisker at a time. 🎉😺