MeetFighters News
Fight Venues and Happy 2011!
Hi everyone!
Happy 2011! We at AllFighters are starting the year with a bunch of great new site features.
First and foremost, the Fight Venues are here! I would like to take this opportunity to ask all members to submit information of Fight Venues that you know about. Please include a contact person in your submission.
- Tracker/2010-12-21: There is now a "British English" localization for those who prefer it over "American English".
- Tracker/2010-12-27: Forum posts now has a "Translate" button that invokes Google Translate.
- The Events system has been largely rewritten to support a bunch of new features:
- Tracker/2009-11-02: You can now list all past events. You can also rate and comment on events that you participated in.
- It is now possible to list the events that you applied for.
- Tracker/2009-10-02 2: Notification messages are sent for canceled events.
- Tracker/2009-10-02 2: You can choose to receive notification messages for new events. Go to the Administration page and tick the checkbox if you want this.
Smaller changes include:
- The "fans" and "favorites" lists that appear on profiles are contracted, and can be expanded with a button click.
- The photo moderation page shows a random Suggestion Box entry to vote on.
- Entries in the Suggestion Box are automatically "opened" once they receive 10 votes.
- The "Past Entries" section in the Suggestion Box has been removed as it served no purpose.
- Voting now has two small pictures that suggest that "1" is bad (thumbs down) and "5" is good (thumbs up). This is useful because in some school systems around the world, "1" is the best mark you can get.
- Lots of small fixed and speed optimizations.
Happy wrestling,