Pro Wrestling Cyber match

JDog vs Robcrushed - championship bout

JDogATL (0 )

2019-07-31 04:46

Robcrushed - purple speedo, elbow/knee pads and boots, flexing and strutting around ring waiting for champ to walk down to ring and enter yt
JDogATL - I strut down to the ring in black trunks and white boots with the championship belt. I climb into the ring and rip my shirt off, holding the belt for all to see. Yt
Robcrushed - I stretch on ropes then complain to ref that u are taking too long playing to the crowd, i start pointing at you and yelling, ready to hear the bell and lock up yt
JDogATL - i hand the belt to the ref. "It's ok, I'll be holding it again in a few minutes." I raise my arms and beckon you to lock up. Yt
Robcrushed - i lock up with u center ring, immediate mistake as i feel ur power overwhelming me, forcing to my knees rather quickly wincing in pain yt
JDogATL - Ha! This chump's going down easy. I knee you in the face. Yt
Robcrushed - on hands and knees now everything a blur as i struggle to not flop over yt
JDogATL - Taking advantage of your position, I move in front of you, sticking your head between my legs, bend over, wrap my arms around you, and pull you up, slamming you back down in a pile driver
Robcrushed - legs flop down leaving me sprawled out chest flat on mat, holding back of neck eventually and legs kicking meekly yt
JDogATL - I climb up to the top rope, flex for the crowd for a sec, then jump, aiming my elbow for
Robcrushed - roll out of way as i hear the crowd gasp as u jump highhhhh in the air, u crash down hard on elbow as i very slowly struggle to climb up using ropes yt
JDogATL - Ah!! Damn it!! I roll on the mat, massaging my elbow. "I'm gonna get you for that, punk!" I sit up and start to push myself to my feet. Yt
Robcrushed - before u get up i grab a side headlock, but u easily pick me up and fall backward slamming me down hard, i am holding the small of my back one handed arched in pain yt
JDogATL - I roll over on you for a pin.
Robcrushed - 2....i force a shoulder up just barely...unable to do a kick out....i grab for my own back immediately as u clap ur hands at the ref yt
JDogATL - Damn! I get up and pull you up by your hair, shoving you in to the corner. Yt
Robcrushed - arms draped over the top ropes i breathe heavily chest goes up and dwon yt
JDogATL - I lay a knife edge chop across your chest. SMACK! yt
Robcrushed - legs fly up and body get arched back by force of the chop, my chest red, arms still draped over the ropes yt
JDogATL - "Ha! You're pathetic!" I chop you again. SMACK! yt
Robcrushed - same exact body motion, chest redder, my mouth makes a big O yt
JDogATL - I wrap my arms around you and pull you out of the corner into a bear hug. GRRR!!! yt
Robcrushed - u pick me up off ground in bearhug, oh the pain of being crushed, i fight back as i can try to box ur ears yt
JDogATL - Agh! Trying to hold you as long as I can, but the fight you got in you is annoying, so I suplex you down to the mat. BAM! yt
Robcrushed - layed out again, lay almost motionless as chest breathes up and down arms spread open yt
JDogATL - I lay across you and hook the leg for another pin.
Robcrushed - 2...can't get enough power to kick out with leg
JDogATL - 3! The bell sounds, and the ref hands me my championship belt. I hold it up while flexing over your beaten body
Robcrushed - I stare up at ur boot on my chest u flexing with ur tongue out holding the belt, id feel humiliation if i wasn't in so much pain "grrrrrrrr"
JDogATL - "I'm the champ, and you're the chump! Ha!" I kick you in the side and march out of the ring victoriously. End.

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