Musings on a UK mini tournament

Scoping interest for a UK-based mini tournament

I have been thinking about the idea of setting up a low-key tournament of sorts. It'd have to require minimal management, couldn't (likely) work in the traditional sense (i.e. a group of guys all together, in the same place, at the same time).

One solution could be to organise a self-service, semi-autonomous "tournament", staggered across a timeframe. Huh? Bear with me. For brevity's sake, I'll number-point what I mean:

1) Interested parties sign up
2) Draws are taken and opponents notified
3) Each pair of opponents arrange a meet up within an agreed timeframe (e.g. 2 weeks perhaps)
4) The winners of each match notify the organiser of the outcome; this is substantiated by corresponding recommendations on each side's profile
5) Repeat steps 2 to 4, until the end of the final, when the winner is crowned tourney champ.

It need not be any more complicated than that. Again, for brevity's sake, what it wouldn't be, or wouldn't entail are things like:

A) The need for getting everyone together in a big old place (at the same time)
B) An audience (though if one is welcomed, that's down to the 2 opponents in each match)
C) Lots of chasing by the organiser (i.e. it's down to the 2 opponents to arrange the match's logistics - date, time, location; rules possibly)
D) Unreasonable delays in arranging and having a match on the part of the competitors

The only thing really needed to get it off the ground is the right amount of interested parties. That is, an even number of competitors, usually in divisibles of 8 and 8 being the minimum). Assuming 8 is the required minimum, you'd need 16 for the next tier. Of course, that number doubles, but walk before run and all that.

Of course, there's the issue of the rules - what are they? What should and shouldn't be included? Should locations only include mat rooms or a ring, etc. - but first things first.

With that mini brain-dump out there, what interest might there be in putting something fun like this together? I am happy to organise it (need not compete myself, though happy to do so) provided there is interest there - enough of it, and of the genuine kind.

Let me know, chaps.


Tourney bracket tool
Författare: HalfGuard
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2019-11-12 09:40
Författare: YoungScot
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2019-09-05 12:13
Great idea
Författare: Adammuscle
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brilliant n buff
2018-04-10 21:03