Gutpunching give/take/trade

Best abs routine

NorthwestGPer (2)

2023-08-05 07:09

Most people are addicted to sugar in its various forms as well as other refined carbohydrates. Ultra-processed foods sneak in mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) in its various disguises. Sugar and other refined carbs creates insulin resistance which contributes to obesity. When researchers want fat mice, they feed them MSG. Now you have a double whammy. A junk food diet with MSG makes you obese.

The biggest key to being lean, muscular, healthy and strong is to eat a real food diet. This means minimally processed foods and foods such as our ancestors ate. The best information I have found about his subject is the Weston A Price Foundation website )

There is tons and tons of fraudulent diet information out there. Even the called "natural food and whole food industry falls prey to this problem. Soy this and that is a no go. Soy contains phyto-estrogens. If a guy consumes this nonsense to excess, he will slowly start to feminize his body. This includes soy milk, tofu, and soy burgers. See

Another fraud is Canola oil. Yep, Canola oil is the darling of the health food industry. For more info go to

If you eat a real food diet and do basic exercises, you'll be amazed at what will happen.


NorthwestGPer (2)

2023-08-06 07:25

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Among the many things in our environment the work to feminize a man is carrying excess weight. Adipose tissue (fat) produces estrogen. A little is normal. Too much is very bad.

Here are some things a man can do to minimize his chances for becoming feminized.
1) Eat a real food diet. Enough said!
2) Buy organic produce as much as possible. Many pesticides use chemicals that are hormonal (estrogen) in nature. Check out the dirty dozen. Men don't need to be dosed with any more estrogen than absolutely necessary.
3) Store your food in glass containers. Plastics have hormonal disrupters.
4) Avoid covid clot shots like the plague. They are toxic. Look at the huge number of athletes that have dropped dead in the past couple of years. A particular problem has been myocarditis episodes in younger men.
5) Avoid sunscreen. None of them are safe. Even zinc oxide has nano-particles that are toxic in your body. There are particles that are hormone disrupters. Parents that slather sunscreen on their boys are feminizing them.
6) Do not eat any unfermented soy-based foods such as soy milk, tofu, texturized vegetable protein TVP), Unfermented soy is loaded with phytoestrogens.
7) Avoid any food with soy or canola oil. In addition to number six above, these oils are sprayed with toxic pesticides.
8) Do NOT carry your phone in your front pants pocket and preferably not anywhere on your person, or at least keep the latter to a minimum. The EMT exposure from cell phones are decreasing men's sperm counts. Anything that is decreasing your sperm production is also negatively affecting your testosterone production.
9) Lastly, don't buy into the bullsh-t that there is little or no differences between males and females. There are vast differences. Relish that God made you a man, not a woman.

The healthier you are, the tougher you can be with gut punching and wrestling.

GPNavelPuncher (0)

2023-08-07 05:26

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Just become a vegetarian, like me. Stay off processed (junk) foods. No salt or the labels on food that you buy in the store!


NorthwestGPer (2)

2023-08-07 07:30

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There is some good about what GPNavelPuncher espouses, but there some real problems.

The Good
1) No sugar.
2) Read the labels.

The bad...really bad
1) Recommending vegetarianism.
2) Saying no to salt.

Vegetarianism, especially veganism is not healthy. Worse, many vegans lap up highly processed stuff such as soy milk, soy this, and soy that like they can't get enough of it.

There was an article in Men's Health several years about a 50ish man that was developing man boobs, his voice was changing, he was gaining weight, and he recognized that his mood swings were becoming more feminine. He went to several doctors, but none of them could figure out his problem. Hi libido was shot. He might even have had shrinking balls.

Finally, he went to yet another doc that asked him about what he ate and drank. He said that he drank about three quarts of soy milk per day. Bingo! He was massively dosing himself with estrogen.

Even a McDonalds meal of chicken nuggets, fries, and a Big Mac contains about the same amount of estrogen as found in THREE birth control pills. That's from cheap soy oil extensively used in fast food restaurants.

From an anthropological perspective, vegetarianism did not exist in primitive societies. For those who had a light meat intake, it wasn't because they adopted some novel idea of 20th and 21st century mostly white, middle class people. Meat was scare, do they didn't have it.

For some of the most extensive information about vegetarianism, please visit the Weston A Price Foundation's website:

SALT: We need salt, but avoid the processed salt found in grocery stores. To wit:
Here's the problem: Companies add anti-caking agents to salt to keep it from clumping together. Some of these common anti-caking agents contain aluminum, which is potentially carcinogenic and can accumulate in the brain, leading to neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Instead, use Himalayan salt (or a similar product) that contains NaCl as well as other trace minerals. You won't have to deal with anti-caking agents.


albyboxfight (41 )

2023-08-05 11:46

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You are a great guy NorthwestGPer sharing those infos. i know it very well since a lot of time and follow those right guidelines..but people must me much more informed! very good!


GPNavelPuncher (0)

2023-08-07 05:27

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Become a vegetarian!


NorthwestGPer (2)

2023-08-07 07:33

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Whether you're currently a vegan or thinking about it, learn as much as you can about the subject. Maybe you'll discover why it's not such a good idea.


NorthwestGPer (2)

2023-08-06 06:50

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Not only is getting off the sugar, refined carbohydrates, and ultra-processed foods going to help any man stay, strong, muscular, and lean, but it's also going to help him stay healthy and disease free.

I write a newsletter and include digest of books about health and nutrition. I'm currently working on a book titled Fat Heals–Sugar Kills by Dr. Bruce Fife. Here are some excerpts: Warning: It's long but has solid stuff.

Dr. Fife describes how we live in an environment that is surrounded by potentially harmful bacteria, parasites, and other microorganisms. These bad guys assault through the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink.
He suggests that with this bombardment of nasty things, it’s amazing that we survive. We can attribute our survival to our immune system.

It’s primarily our white blood cells that are patrolling our bodies and spearheading our defense. Ah, but there’s a problem. The ability of our white blood cells to be effective against the invaders is strongly influenced by sugar consumption.

Sugar depresses the while blood cells ability to phagcytize [devour] these harmful substances. Studies have shown that after a single dose of sugar, phagocytosis [the process of eating up the bad guys] drops by nearly 50% and remains depressed for up to five hours.

If a person has something sugary at all three meals along with a donut, soda, or something sweet for a snack, his/her immune function will stay depressed all day long.

Because sugar depresses immune function, it increases the risks of infection, reduces the body’s ability to neutralize and dispose of environmental toxins, and increases the risk of cancer. You become more susceptible to infectious diseases, have a more difficult time overcoming infections, are more vulnerable or sensitive to toxins and chemicals, and more likely to develop cancer.

Everyone has renegade cancer cells, but not everyone develops cancer. The is because our immune system seeks out and destroys these renegade cells before they get too far out of hand.

Cancer cells only develop in those individuals whose immune systems are so stressed or weakened that they are incapable of mounting an effective defense. A healthy immune system, therefore, is a key element in the prevention of all forms of cancer.

Another major cause of stress is bacteria seeping into our bloodstream through our mouths. Oral infections make it worse. Sugar, of course, promotes chronic oral infections and depresses the immune system, making it easier for cancer to take a foothold.

Folks, it gets worse. Not only does sugar depress your immune system, but sugar is a fertilizer that feeds cancer cells. It’s a double whammy. Yes, cancer cells feed on sugar. The more sugar you consume, the more you are feeding cancer cells inside of your body.

The mitochondria in cancer cells are defective and unable to produce their own energy. Thus, the cancer cells rely on another source of energy production which is called glycolysis [the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid].

Fatty acids, ketones, and most other energy sources are useless to cancer. This makes cancer heavily reliant on glucose for its energy needs. The more sugar you supply them, from a diet filled with sugary foods and refined starch, the more resistant they become to cancer treatments…Without sugar they would starve to death and be far more vulnerable to the immune system and to cancer treatments.

Insulin resistance and high blood pressure are considered to be independent risk factors for cancer. The association between diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, and cancer is well recognized. Studies show that people with diabetes are at substantially higher risk for cancer, especially of the pancreas, liver, lung, endometrium [the mucous membrane lining the uterus], breast, colon, rectum, and bladder.

Smoking has never been a major problem in any population until sugar and refined flour have been added to the diet. Many primitive societies have used tobacco for generations without suffering any apparent harm.

The Inuits: Early Artic explorers noted that the Inuits were habitual users of tobacco. The children were exposed to heavy doses of second-hand smoke in smoke-filled rooms. However, the explorers noted that there was an absence of lung cancer of any type. The Inuits didn’t have a protective diet of fruits and vegetables.

A doctor Otto Schaefer attended to the medical needs of the Inuits from the mid-1950s to the late 1960s. He reported that cancer was not found among these people until after they began to add sugar and refined carbohydrates into their diets. Lung cancer was completely absent among them.

Dr. Fife points out the absence of lung cancer among the Inuits was not unique to just their society. Other primitive people were free from lung cancer even though they smoked.

To be clear, Dr. Fife is not letting smoking off the hook.
Smoking is not benign by any means; it is a risk factor for a multitude of diseases. However, it appears that smoking itself is not enough to cause lung cancer until it is combined with a diet high in sugar. It appears to be the tobacco-sugar one-two punch that is the real culprit in causing lung cancer. Sugar is likely the catalyst for other cancers as well.

Dr. Fife tells the story of George Burns, a cigar smoker who started smoking at age 14. He reportedly smoked 10-15 cigars per day for over 70 years. That’s over 300,000 cigars! Burns lived to the age of 100. He exercised regularly, wasn’t overweight, and didn’t have any blood sugar problems.

Dr. Fife wraps up this chapter with the following:

Glucose is so important to the growth of cancer that it can’t survive without it. Removing sugar and other carbohydrates from the diet essentially starves cancer to death. Dietary therapies the restrict calories or carbohydrates has proven highly successful in the treatment of cancer both in combination with conventional therapies or on their own.

Being obese increases the risk of cancer, but it’s not the weight. It’s because obese people tend to have elevated glucose levels. High blood sugar is a risk factor for cancer even when a person’s weight or body mass index is normal.

Dr. Fife’s final admonition for anyone that is concerned about getting a cancer diagnosis to prevent it by cutting out the sugar.


re2023 (0 )

2023-08-04 15:40

I’m trying to get a stronger more defined abs. I know I need to watch my diet, but need someone to give some training to me Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.


wi23combat (19)

2023-08-06 05:47

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At least you're making an attempt keep it up.

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