Any guys any heght/weight want to glove up and have a box any daytime during week? Im in Manchester can host boxing glove action from light sparring or full on puoches or just trading boxing glove body puoches light or heavy prefer guys my age/50 xrs old+
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Boxing Brian (0)
2015-05-26 21:17Got 2 pairs gloves 1 blue pair 1 red pair so lets glove up! Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.
Boxing Brian (0)
2015-05-26 21:14Any guys any heght/weight want to glove up and have a box any daytime during week? Im in Manchester can host boxing glove action from light sparring or full on puoches or just trading boxing glove body puoches light or heavy prefer guys my age/50 xrs old+ Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.
ShadowBoxer (0 )
2015-05-30 21:33(Som svar till detta)
I'd like to gloves up with you ..unfortunately im too far ..hope you find someone :)