
Medlem sedan 6.9 år
Ålder 67
Längd 175 cm
Vikt 73 kg
Kön Man
Utrustning tights, speedoes-high tops or wrestling boots with socks
Talade språk Engelska
Sist inloggad för 7 dagar sedan
Sist uppdaterad 2024-08-02
  1. USA - New Jersey, South Orange
    brooklyn, ny


Scripted erotic pro match with high waisted speedoes or tights and high tops -footwear AND gear a must. First to cum matches in tights or speedoes-no nudity though.I can be jobber or heel . I am into guys legs trying to kick out (watching him struggle-or vica versa),illegal tight grabbing and stretching, Plenty of leghook pinsand face squashes.loser cums in his tights as he taps out and says I submit to your tights- you are to powerful over and over No nudity,sex or competition-pro style-nobody gets hurt! Footwear a must! Illegal chockes,headlocks, holding onto your opponents cock(from on-top of outfit only) as he yells ref..ref-illegal Jobber vs heel-safe and sane-no pain-pro style. Thanks




Pro wrestling Pro wrestling

Matchstuktur: Per telefon, Intresserad av cyber

Vissa brottningsstil: Promission

Fetischer: Spandex

Följare av aajjgg
