

Medlem sedan 6.6 år
Ålder 45
Längd 178 cm
Vikt 80 kg
Kön Man
Läggning Gay
Söker Man
Utrustning speedos, jocks
Talade språk Engelska, Franska, Spanska
Sist inloggad igår
Sist uppdaterad 2024-01-12
  1. USA - New York, Queens
    Looking for matches
  2. USA - Missouri, St. Louis
    (Jag är här mellan 2025-05-28 och 2025-05-31.)
    Here for a few days.

Tidigare motståndare


I am an otherwise normal guy who enjoys submission or promission.

If it's sub, we enter as rivals, and leave as much more. We stick the rules and hug it out hard at the end in a sign of mutual respect. There's nothing like becoming bros (and maybe more) after we settle it on the mat.

Favorite holds: sleepers, boston crab, camel clutch, headscissors, bear hugs. The closer and tighter, the better the hold!

Gear: speedos or jocks. I am flexible. It's about us both having fun.




Submission Submission
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling

Matchstuktur: Jämn match, Ge och ta, En har övertaget, Brottning på låtsas/kul, Träning, Per telefon, Intresserad av cyber

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