Pro Master
- USA - Texas, Travis County
Place of residence
Jag är gärna värd / har lokal. (Bed-and-Breakfast)
Olymisk / Grekisk-Romersk
Allt tillåtet
Pro wrestling
**UPDATE (01/2025): TAKING MATCHES. Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating sooner but it’s been busy here on my end. My shoulder is doing ok. Getting stronger but still needing surgery. Can roll and wrestle but nothing to crazy or super competitive! If you’re open to testing your strength reach out and let’s have some fun!
**UPDATE: Recently dislocated my shoulder and having to under for surgery in a few months. Until then I will not be able to wrestle as competitive or aggressive. That being said I’m still will to take on opponents and even host matches at my place for other wrestlers. On the condition y’all don’t try to murder eachother and if comfortable I get to watch 😉…not required. Other than that I look forward to getting completely recovered and taking on more aggressive and competitive matches***
Let get rollin! I’m down for most forms. Just getting back into the swing of things so ready to link up.
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