

Medlem sedan 3.6 år
Ålder 54
Längd 183 cm
Vikt 90 kg
Kön Man
Läggning Hetero
Utrustning Gym shorts, fight shorts, nude
Talade språk Engelska
Sist inloggad idag
Sist uppdaterad 2025-02-02
Record 10-4-2 including some multi-match opponents and a couple no-contests
Favorite hold Americana
  1. USA - Arizona, Peoria
  2. USA - Tennessee, Knoxville
    Frequent work trips
  3. USA - New Mexico, Albuquerque
    (Jag är här mellan 2025-03-15 och 2025-03-18.)
    Work trip

Jag reser gärna 150 kilometer

Tidigare motståndare


Recovery from two major injuries (ruptured rotator cuff and torn patellar tendon) that I've tried to keep updated here is essentially complete. Ready to throw down when you are!

I enjoy grappling (with or without striking and with or without stakes) and can go from mild to very rough. I'm happy to adjust style and intensity level to be sure everybody is comfortable.

What I mean by mild: I met a great guy in Kansas City. Super-friendly and gracious host (bonus because he's a cigar guy!). We rolled for one tap, and it was clear he wasn't quite at my skill level, so we toned down the intensity a lot. I didn't even attempt any more joint locks or serious chokes. We just rolled a while, I showed him some of the little I know, and we practiced those submissions a few times. We chatted about a number of things, made a friendly connection, and I left. Barely broke a sweat (literally) but was a great time...

What I mean by very rough: I met a dude in San Francisco last year who was as aggressive and competitive as I am, and quite a bit more skilled. We agreed to competitive submission wrestling with body strikes/first to five taps wins, and loser takes gut punishment and foot domination. He beat me 5-3, but it probably should have been worse (I got lucky a couple times). Once he scored that last tap, we breathed for a minute, and then he proceeded to punch, kick and stomp my gut, stand on my stomach and chest with a foot on my face, sit on my chest and flex, put me in some humiliating holds and choked me out a couple times. I mean, I fucking hate that I lost, and my entire body hurt for weeks, but that's the game, and I'll go all out any time...

Anything at or in between those two extremes is great with me; happy to figure out what works for us both.

Can't host, but am not picky about setting. If you want to chat or set up a match, hit me up.




Submission Submission
Allt tillåtet Allt tillåtet
Kickboxning / Thaiboxning Kickboxning / Thaiboxning

Matchstuktur: Jämn match, Två mot en, Gymkompis, Utomhus, Inte intresserad av cyber

Vissa brottningsstil: Brazilian ju-jitsu, Brottning med kropps-slag

Stand-up slagsmål: UFC/ full MMA

Diverse intressen: Vad

Fetischer: Söker inte sex, Nakenbrottning, Fotfetisch, Trampling

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