
Medlem sedan 3.9 år
Ålder 58
Längd 173 cm
Vikt 94 kg
Kön Man
Sist inloggad idag
Sist uppdaterad 2021-05-09
  1. Storbritannien, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, England
    Place of residence


Stocky strong and smooth, like testing out what the guts can take. Safe And sane activities only but do like to go hard with it. Variety of methods to be used again with mutual agreement. Some activities/methods can be untensed. Two-way testing is preferable but am happy just to take it just to give should the situation call for it.
I'm 14.5 st in weight, trying to get that down at the moment without sacrificing the ability to give and take a good work over of my gut muscles.
Preference is for longer times spent rather than short efforts



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