
Medlem sedan 9.1 år
Ålder 68
Längd 178 cm
Vikt 94 kg
Kön Man
Läggning Bisexuell
Söker Man eller Kvinna
Utrustning speedos
Sist inloggad för 14 dagar sedan
Sist uppdaterad 2022-01-25
  1. Storbritannien, London Borough of Enfield, England
    Place of residence

Jag reser gärna 300 kilometer

Tidigare motståndare


Looking to try out brit pro fantasies, not competitive but good scenarios, realistically played out. Sub/dom scenes especially, tests of strength, fingerlocks/forced down, grapevines, over the knee back breakers, controlling holds, verbals. Can switch jobber to heel. Aggressive verbals a turn on.

Hairy, with belly, looking to lose weight and get fitter. With that in mind, currently prefer up to an hour's wrestling - the long 2-3hrs some mention here is out of my depth for the moment. Tennis two-three times a week. Wrestling/massage workouts also welcome.

Safe and sane, happy to take on lighter opponents (and females) in catch weight contests where I start out favourite but end up in their control

ps bizarre negative 'no show' comment on my profile - posted by a guy unhappy that I wouldn't meet him in another city. I've never not turned up to an arranged meet

Triple vaxxed and (mild) Covid bout June 2021




Submission Submission
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling

Matchstuktur: Jämn match, Ge och ta, En har övertaget, Brottning på låtsas/kul, Träning, Flera samtidigt, Två mot en, Gymkompis, Utomhus, Enbart online, Intresserad av cyber

Vissa brottningsstil: Promission, Brit pro wrestling

Diverse intressen: Massage, Vinnare, Förlorare

Följare av GusLondon
