- USA - Florida, Oakland Park
Place of USA - Illinois, Springfield
(Jag är här mellan 2023-11-20 och 2023-11-24.)
Jag reser gärna 50 kilometer
After some difficult medical issues in late 2021, I'm finally back in fighting shape and better than ever!
Have been learning pro wrestling after having to step away from sub for a while, and I must say I've been having a blast! Have met and wrestled with some amazing and wonderful guys who have "showed me the ropes", quite literally! Open to full pro matches, promission, tests of strength, arm-wrestling, light (but still competitive) sub, and general rough-housing and body contact. Mostly a jobber here, but interested in cultivating my heel-side. Pec punching is encouraged 😉
I put an emphasis on FUN and SWEAT when I wrestle someone - I enjoy the physicality of pushing my body and the bond between fighters. I have moderate experience, but still consider myself a novice with so much to learn. Not looking for injuries, no ego and nothing to prove to anyone else. I generally prefer opponents older and larger than myself, but if you're in the area, drop me a line and let's chat.
I have a husband, he doesn't wrestle but will occasionally watch a match if anyone is interested in having an audience. I'm also slowly building a library of wrestling videos for WatchFighters, so if anyone is interested in filming a match with me, PLESE REACH OUT
If we've had a match, please send me a message and I will re-add you as a past opponent and your recommendation. Slowly getting to these, it takes me a while.
Olymisk / Grekisk-Romersk
Allt tillåtet
Pro wrestling
Matchstuktur: Jämn match, Ge och ta, En har övertaget, Brottning på låtsas/kul, Träning, Två mot en, Utomhus, Söker tränare
Vissa brottningsstil: Brazilian ju-jitsu, Brottning med kropps-slag, Promission, Brit pro wrestling, Folkstyle, Armbrytning
Stand-up slagsmål: Ej intresserad av stand-up slagsmål
Diverse intressen: Jag har tillgång till ring, Jag har tillgång till mattor, Vänskap, Förlorare
Fetischer: Runka, Brottningsprylar, Nakenbrottning, Gut punching, Nipple play
USA - Arkansas, Eureka Springs
58 / 183 cm / 107 kg
Sist inloggad: för 13 timmar sedan
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USA - Florida, Wilton Manors
54 / 175 cm / 86 kg
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USA - Florida, Saint Petersburg
58 / 168 cm / 77 kg
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USA - Illinois, Chicago
46 / 170 cm / 84 kg
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USA - Illinois, Petersburg
60 / 193 cm / 98 kg
Sist inloggad: för 4 dagar sedan
7 tidigare motståndare i 2 årItalwrestler
USA - Pennsylvania, Bethlehem
64 / 170 cm / 88 kg
Sist inloggad: för 1 timmar sedan
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USA - California, Long Beach
34 / 170 cm / 73 kg
Sist inloggad: för 41 minuter sedan
167 tidigare motståndare i 13 år