Concealed Wrestler


Medlem sedan för 11 dagar sedan
Ålder 18
Längd 178 cm
Vikt 80 kg
Kön Man
Läggning Bisexuell
Söker Man
Sist inloggad idag
Sist uppdaterad för 11 dagar sedan
  1. Australien, Sydney, New South Wales

Jag reser gärna 20 kilometer


Was previously Questioning_Wrestler. I apologise to other wrestlers whose time I wasted by requesting matches then deleting my account, this account won’t be deleted.
My availability is a bit skewed due to university and work, so I won’t be immediately available for matches.
I’m a complete newbie, so if we’re going to have a match, I would appreciate a bit of teaching beforehand.
I want to have matches where both of us can feel comfortable. I’m personally into being more a jobber, but am happy to have matches such as give and take. I’m also into having matches where I can try to be more dominant, but would rather discuss preferences so we can both do stuff that we enjoy.
Not wanting to do anything too sexual (eg naked wrestling), but would interested in semi-erotic matches and mock “stakes”.




Submission Submission
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling
Bara åskådare Bara åskådare

Matchstuktur: Jämn match, Ge och ta, En har övertaget, Två mot en

Vissa brottningsstil: Promission

Stand-up slagsmål: Ej intresserad av stand-up slagsmål

Diverse intressen: Vinnare, Förlorare, Vad

Fetischer: Söker inte sex, Face sitting, Muscle worship

Följare av Concealed Wrestler
