

Medlem sedan 3.1 år
Ålder 28
Längd 191 cm
Vikt 91 kg
Kön Man
Söker Man
Utrustning Shirtless, shorts, underwear
Talade språk Engelska
Sist inloggad idag
Sist uppdaterad 2024-10-27
  1. USA - Ohio, Kettering
    Place of residence
  2. USA - Indiana, Indianapolis
    (Jag är här mellan 2024-05-03 och 2024-05-05.)
    Here for a video game event. Would love some matches while in town

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PLEASE READ. The unreliable no show is because I went to Indy for a video game tournament. I left the tournament early because I threw up so I went to my hotel and took a nap. Woke up and forgot I made plans with him. I told him threw up like 2 hours prior and wasn't feeling it and he proceeded to turn it on me told me if I threw up earlier it shouldn't stop a prior agreement. Like I would of been there, but if I'm not feeling 100% and if i still feel like I could get sick again then I would be there. I wasn't going to risk throwing up on him.

Hey gentleman. I'm Aaron. I was BoxerboiOH, but I got a new phone and I couldn't access my account. If we have talked before, reach out. I'm going to try and find everyone again haha plus new people to rumble with. My profile may look like I'm all about boxing but I'm better at wrestling. Hit me up if you're going to be in the Ohio area. Hit me up!




Submission Submission
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling
Boxning Boxning

Matchstuktur: Jämn match, Ge och ta, Brottning på låtsas/kul, Enbart online, Per telefon, Intresserad av cyber

Vissa brottningsstil: Brottning med kropps-slag

Stand-up slagsmål: Endast intresserad av stand-up slagsmål, UFC/ full MMA

Diverse intressen: Vänskap, Byta bilder

Fetischer: Söker inte sex, Runka, Boxningsprylar, Nakenbrottning, Gut punching, Muscle worship

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