water wrestling

Water Wrestling in Fort Lauderdale Florida.

FlDean2012 (119 )

2022-07-01 05:17

Everyone needs to get to South Florida first.


Macho Gabacho (43)

2022-06-30 16:54

I hope we get a chance to go at it in your pool someday!


NoCalWrestlebob (20)

2022-06-30 05:19

I could not agree more, i used to wrestle often in my pool with a friend or two, wearing swim suits to jeans, or sweats, in the deep end underwater and shallow end just up to our waist or so, struggling and splashing around, some weightless underwater struggling and rolling around there...holding our breaths as long as we could before we had to surface or even a few times (certified diver here) did some diving in the pool or at the lake, and did some wrestling in scuba hear, was fun also, wish i was younger to do that again with you Dean, you seem to know whats fun out there in the art of wrestling and water.


FlDean2012 (119 )

2022-06-29 23:00

Best sport around.


FlDean2012 (119 )

2022-05-10 17:42

I am here and ready to lightly water wrestle in Fort Lauderdale Florida if there are people that are in the area, or coming to the area. I have some friends that like to do it also. Dean bareasstrainftl@aol.com

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