water wrestling

The house tournament

Inferno Tiger 2 (13)

2024-08-16 06:58

So I am looking for 3 other wrestlers plus referees please that want to take part on putting this wrestling story together. The setting is 8 of us wrestlers are at this big house and each room has either a mud, oil, cake, jello etc… ring set up in it. The restrooms are for the cock fights in the shower. We want to see if others will help us mostly with cyber matches but if 8 guys are willing to do this we will all start in a central location 4 men go find a room and then the four others go find there match. The tournament 🤞🏽 would go from 4 match to 2 match then the championship would you be interested in bring this to life. Also looking for referees to help make the matches legit. Yes this is all in cyber thur messages and the referee will ref the matches in messages as well but I hope to get all these guys together so it’s not a 1 person story. Are you interested

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