water wrestling


Just Dan (8)

2019-08-30 12:51

When I try to teach adults to swim I start by encouraging them to get comfortable putting their face in the water. Loaning them a pair of goggles often helps.


Roughmatch (127 )

2019-08-30 12:54

(Som svar till detta)

Your technique is a good one and is the way I am being taught. The goggles are a great help. Having a person put their face under water on their own power instead of an outside force makes it less threatening.


FlDean2012 (119 )

2019-08-30 15:45

(Som svar till detta)

Classes in water wrestling, roll around, just getting used to the water, and having fun in the water is running constantly. People are rolling around before they know it.


FlDean2012 (119 )

2019-08-29 05:41

There are steps to take and I show people the steps all of the time. Dean


Roughmatch (127 )

2019-08-28 19:44

Aquaphobia: water causes a person an excessive amount of anxiety. I have had this for many years. Never really learned how to swim and have not been able to put my head under water. I'm just curious how many methods exist to help someone overcome their fear of water. I know what worked for me. A fellow wrestler invited me to a pool wrestling match and worked with me one on one, letting me put myself under water and just kept encouraging me to keep trying until I felt comfortable doing it. In my opinion, this is the best way to overcome fear of water. Are there other methods? opinions? Please weigh in and post your comments to the group.

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