fantacy wrestlin

Mixed pro wrestling

Chris55 (3 )

2020-06-16 16:12

interesting thread..... Has anyone else taken part in mixed wrestling?


Chris55 (3 )

2020-08-17 12:05

(Som svar till detta)

Interesting posts, anyone else done mixed pro wrestling ......


Pro jobber (1)

2020-05-31 17:08

I can imagine cant believe not more easy income for them really


Pro jobber (1)

2020-05-30 16:19

Yes faced louise lockwood brilliant roxi pippa l vinn shelby beach lisa fury april David's to name a few plus sub wrestlers in wales london but much prefer pro wish more were available


wristlock (13)

2020-05-31 15:16

(Som svar till detta)

Yes like you I much prefer pro with the girls, sadly as you say not that many available, and none here in Tenerife


Pro jobber (1)

2020-05-29 18:56

I see you've wrestled the mighty pippa l vinn and lisa fury


wristlock (13)

2020-05-30 15:37

(Som svar till detta)

It is brilliant wrestling with the girls, pro style of course.
Yes I wrestled Pippa L,vinn many times over the years, and yes I have wrestled with Lisa Fury.
I have also wrestled with Shelby Beach but I have no photos sadly.
I like wrestling with guys, but mixed wrestling is much better.
Have you done any mixed wrestling


Pro jobber (1)

2020-05-29 18:09

Yes I do my friend old and new thinks it brilliant ideally in pro style


Pro jobber (1)

2020-05-27 19:19

Anyone a fan of the old mixed mainly pro but open to chatting about sub erotic from today and yesteryear


wristlock (13)

2020-05-29 16:57

(Som svar till detta)

Do you mean male vs female pro wrestling, if so I love it

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