Wrestling Videos on the Net

wanna make a vid

Stevienye71 (1)

2017-07-02 07:22

This would be fun


john el (15)

2017-07-01 17:54

Wish your were close, I would be down to do this, have been wanting to for sometime.

Did you ever do it?


painauthority (2)

2018-06-22 19:32

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Ya have done vids my buddy was at time 265lb of muscle and I was at time 165 and was awesome


buchisd (8)

2017-07-02 03:03

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Do I understand this message, you want to make a video of us wrestling?


painauthority (2)

2017-07-01 23:40

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ya I have its cool to watch yourself in action


john el (15)

2017-07-02 05:25

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Awesome, I assume the ones in your profile. I'll have to check those out if/when I become a "donor".


painauthority (2)

2017-02-25 16:40

wanna make a vid where we work each other me as a fighting back jobber. looking for bigger muscled dude bigger than me which is 5'3 in end I end up being taken over as a squash victim!


john el (15)

2017-07-02 05:26

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Would love to but for the distance. The size dif would def be there.

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