Wrestling Videos on the Net

Nice slow old style wrestling

Zeus (15)

2022-01-13 05:25

Wow nice old pro wrestling matches. I love those years of pro, slow and nicely done with the moves, struggle, strength and lots of back and forth.


LustaufRingkampf (0)

2021-11-24 00:55

How about this one?



doyouevenwrestle (61)

2021-11-01 14:43

one of my favorites: Wilbur Snyder


Martymcfly (1)

2021-11-08 18:33

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Nice wish I was inthe ring


ringhombre (5)

2024-12-28 06:15

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Nice. dad vs dad match


Didja1 (21)

2021-11-06 16:00

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Awesome match.


westfalia (1)

2021-11-06 12:06

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I've watched it again (Wilbur Snyder). Those trials of strength are great. I'd love to have a match like that....


doyouevenwrestle (61)

2021-11-06 15:31

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enjoy another one. I hate how the messages keep shrinking


Rasslebarefoot (15 )

2024-12-29 22:22

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Snyder with that fresh off the army base buzz cut hair and chiseled body...yes sir!


StockyGrappler (16 )

2024-12-29 16:32

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Wow. Great match!


Didja1 (21)

2021-11-06 16:01

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Love it. Thx for the post.


westfalia (1)

2021-11-06 12:05

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I've watched it again (Wilbur Snyder). Those trials of strength are great. I'd love to have a match like that....


westfalia (1)

2021-11-01 13:21

These older ones are great, but like you, I wonder if they're speeded up.
Newer ones are great too. Better quality videos, so you can appreciate their sexy bodies better. 30 minutes of 'choreographed' wrestling followed by 10 minutes of erotic, horny 'after-play'. mmm.


westfalia (1)

2021-11-01 13:25

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Not exactly 'slow wrestling', but who cares?


doyouevenwrestle (61)

2021-11-01 10:47

were cameras back then speeded up? the movements seem a bit fast, great matches tho


Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2021-10-31 16:19

Now here’s one helluva find, the second match of the two may be the BEST wrestling match I’ve ever watched AND if anyone can translate what is said at the end of the second match I’d love to know it…paraphrase would be great, mes ami


mikedave01 (8)

2021-11-02 13:23

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I don't knowwhat you don't understand. The match ended with a highly controversial pin. It wasn't a two shoulder pin and took place only ten seconds before the end of regulation time. The winner refused the result and insisted it was a tie.


Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2021-11-05 13:56

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What I don’t get is that Portz (in black trunks) clearly gets rolled up and pinned by Leduc yet Portz arm gets raised in victory. What am I missing here? There’s quite a bit of explanation given in French which I don’t speak so it’s even more confusing for me…perhaps I got off too many times during this incredibly hot match and my head was dazed as a result but I just don’t get it. Call me thick and as a Polack that too would be fair but I’d still like to understand. Clearly it should have gone to a draw as they both wrestled a tremendous match one which demonstrated that wrestling can be real, not fake, and a great pleasure to watch…he said stepping down from his soapbox.


mikedave01 (8)

2021-11-05 18:54

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I need to watch the end again. My guess is that Portz was supposed to win and the ref was in on this. So, when something happened that allowed him to say Portz won, he did so. Obviously he didn't. So, in what might also have been scripted Portz said he didn't win and the match should be a tie. Obviously a set up for a future match. I speak native-level French, but the French didn't help with an explanation of the end of this match.


MikeC (0 )

2021-11-07 15:26

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At the end, the winner told the referee that he refused the win and that to him, it was a tie, decision annouced ny the referee.


Lkn4awrestletoy (109 )

2021-11-06 04:26

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Thanks, that makes more sense


westfalia (1)

2021-11-01 10:14

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Yes, great battle. Reminds me of WOS Sat afternoon wrestling at it's best. All it lacks is Kent Walton's commentary......lol


Didja1 (21)

2021-10-31 17:01

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This match is awesome!!


Bigfightbig (0)

2021-10-26 10:22


westfalia (1)

2021-11-06 12:12

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I love the way it's presented. The 2 guys just walking on, no big fanfares or 'showbiz', just getting down to business.
The guy in the crowd/audience puffing away on his fag ( meaning 'cigarette' in British English!)


Didja1 (21)

2021-10-31 17:00

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Awesome find!


f4leglock (11)

2021-11-01 20:38

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Yes absolutely. That first bout is awesome. That old French pro stuff is amazing to watch.


yyzgwmc2c (16)

2020-12-29 22:11

One of my favourites – they react the same way to wrestling as I do!


Musclewrestler1 (39)

2020-12-29 15:40

Very HOT erotic video between two young studs! Awesome!


mature jobber (30)

2020-12-28 14:51

Very good!!


westfalia (1)

2020-12-31 17:41

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Great bout, thanks. Spencer's another one who doesn't seem as muscular as he did all those years ago compared to today's body builders. Arnie certainly raised the bar when he came along. Of course, compared to the older, unfit looking wrestlers of the day, Churchill looked fantastic.
Another one of the day - Peter Deakin. I thought he looked fantastic, but then too I was only a kid & had never seen a real live body builder. lol


dusty rhodes (6)

2020-12-30 05:49

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Best performances old school 😋😋😋😋


westfalia (1)

2020-12-29 16:53

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Hi, I remember John Elijah. He always won Trials of Strength. I remember him as being better built than that. I guess we see many really muscular men now on WWE etc, that he no longer seems so big.
Clive Myers always beat other men at arm wrestling - usually bigger than him. One year he won a knockout contest. I think the programme was called 'The Indoor League' Introduced by Freddie Truman.
Have you got any vids with Spencer Churchill wrestling? Now he was built.!!
I remember Kent Walton asked him it took to get that physique. He answered '20 years'.
Then Kent asked if he could build a body like that. Spencer replied 'Yes, if you started 20 years ago.' meaning Kent was past it....



2020-12-27 17:19


Johnny Clutcher (29)

2021-11-11 21:38

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Great technique. Really stylish wrestling.


movik (27)

2021-10-26 14:22

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Interesting to watch 69 here, even winner wants to suck the loser instead of just facefucking weaker guy. It happened to me too when stronger wrestled sucked my cock after match, it looks like cock sucking calms down the post match tension of both winner and loser


grkwrestler (1)

2021-11-01 18:15

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Yeah it definitely calmed them down. Looks like the condom came off later as the got more into each other



2021-11-01 21:12

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Yes, it must have been a struggle to keep it on at that pace


Gregorio2 (10)

2021-10-25 08:25

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Could not be better, thanks for posting this


SeattleFight (510)

2020-12-31 01:31

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One of my all-time favorites


Gregorio2 (10)

2020-12-30 19:51

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Daz, luvin' your library here. Thanks for posting ;-)



2020-12-30 21:16

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Thanks, means a lot from a wrestler like you



2022-01-12 11:44

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This is a fab bout , I get so hard watching mm


westsydwrestler (17)

2021-01-01 05:35

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Love this style of match. Any Aussie mature wrestlers keen.


westfalia (1)

2021-01-01 10:33

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Wish I lived in Australia......I'd be up for it.....lol


Gregorio2 (10)

2020-12-31 14:46

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Time well spent, these two rasslers are promoting world peace


westfalia (1)

2020-12-31 15:42

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Really, How?


Fitbloke (10)

2024-12-29 13:56

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Superb! Need to hunt out more like this. 2 equally built men.


Musclewrestler1 (39)

2021-11-01 13:44

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This was one terrific match between two hot muscle bulls.



2020-12-31 15:00

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It is a strong bond that wrestling brings


Musclewrestler1 (39)

2021-01-03 15:09

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Good old school match. Hot battled on the nats between these two.


Musclewrestler1 (39)

2021-01-03 17:10

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Corrections: On the mats. Hot battle between these two.


westfalia (1)

2020-12-28 10:27

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Brilliant. 2 horny young muscular hunks, good quality pictures. Erotic wrestling - just what I like watching (& doing.) Perfick....lol
Let's have more MF members on video. There are plenty of fit studs on here. It's the nearest an old git like me will ever get to them. Just a few minutes each - can't expect them to go at it for a whole hour., although that would be fab-you-lust.

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