
Winner gets the spoils

Scissorpower (0 )

2018-02-15 17:08

I will fight you


Ringkampfgeil (6)

2018-02-17 18:02

(Som svar till detta)

I will defeat you before your wife


facepinguy (0)

2018-02-18 02:05

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With that soft body? I doubt it! LOL


Ringkampfgeil (6)

2018-02-18 19:02

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It will be enough for you. I defeat you - in front of women. I am the stronger man. I will submit you. grrrr


Lilly (0)

2018-02-19 02:05

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i don't fight males

I sex match her and win


Scissorpower (0 )

2018-02-22 15:25

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I am not asking to fight you want you to fight my wife


Ringkampfgeil (6)

2018-02-22 15:35

(Som svar till detta)

i will fight you


Crushedandsubmitted (0)

2018-02-14 16:39

My wife in gallery pics is very turned on by watching me wrestle a more powerful heel and then likes to fuck him as I watch helplessly. Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.


Slappy (0)

2019-04-26 03:01

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I’ll fight you man


Lilly (0)

2019-04-26 04:13

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he does not fight too old
but I love to win u and do u
as she watch
get me a bi female to sex match for your cock


Scissorpower (0 )

2019-06-13 02:02

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OK have several


Slappy (0)

2019-04-26 04:30

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I’ll see what I can do Lilly!


MudFighterMel (0)

2018-03-29 23:43

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as are many women! and your wife is very hot! and very fuckable!! i would fight you any kinda fight any conditions tougher and dirtier the better for her she will be worth it!! in fact i'd fight anyone for her! btw does she fight? my gf does and she'd fight her for me! couples fuck fight suit you too? if only we were not so far away!!


Lilly (0)

2018-03-30 16:25

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my man doesnt fight I

im bi so get a bi female to sex fight me ,if she does i do u


Scissorpower (0 )

2018-02-22 15:25

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Ok I will take it easy on you to get her all worked up before I fuck her


Ringkampfgeil (6)

2018-02-17 18:00

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I love your Girl. I want to fight with you


Scissorpower (0 )

2018-02-22 15:26

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yeah lets fight so I can work your man boobs over


Lilly (0)

2018-02-23 23:14

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i dont fight males


thunder64boxer (8)

2018-02-17 11:39

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She deserves a champion. I'll take all you have, then take you apart, right in front of her. I'll taint you, humiliate you, and let you eat my cum from her pussy. Step up fucker...let's fight!


Lilly (0)

2018-02-17 15:58

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i very bi and i dont match males
if she bi set it up i match her in usa Ohio

i eat her out to win and she want


MudFighterMel (0)

2018-02-15 01:31

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hot lady - gets me rock hard just lookin at her and I bet she fucks real good!! if we were closer I would fight you for her no danger!! and if she fights my gf would fight her no holds barred for our pleasure


Lilly (0)

2018-02-15 17:07

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this is the wife, Im Lilly
i do a nude erotic match vs your gf and win

then make her watch me do u
im bi and she?

my man does not fight
I love to see u cock fight a male
I can be the prize

Bring your nude gf here


santoman (1)

2018-01-02 23:15

I did it once. It was odd but fun.

Without getting into too complex a story, I had a bud that I used to wrestle several times a year. Usually 1st to cum matches with loser sucking. Anyway my girlfriend found out about my side activities. We had a long, coming clean conversation. I assumed she would leave me and we did not talk for a few days. Anyway a week pasted by, she called and asked to meet my wrestling buddy, who was at my place helping me clean my pool. She came right over. My buddy wanted to leave. We assumed it was about to get nasty. She must have been very close by because she got there in no time flat as we were still putting away the pool cleaning gear and in swimsuits. She asked if she could join us for a beer and went into the house were she kept a few personal items including a few swimsuits. So there we are, all three, in the side of the pool, with a beer in our hands, and our swimsuits on.

Again not to bore with a long personal conversation but, Sandy was very understanding that this was just a different part of my life. And she really could not help but like my Bud, he was a nice guy. But what came next was a bigger surprised, she asked if she could be part of the club. Meaning she wanted to watch and be part of the sex. She wanted to fuck the winner.
Odd thing, I had never really considered this before. I mean I spend so much time hiding my fetish that I never dreamed my Girlfriend would find it acceptable and want to be part of it. So there we were, my Bud and me being convinced to fight for my girlfriend.

Next you know, we go inside to set up the mats. Sandy asked that we wrestle nude. Ok, again odd thing, we were both limp. Normally we wrestle with full on hard-ons. Sandy than proceeds to take her top off, she walks over to my bud and grabs his cock and leads him to the center of the mats. She tells him to wait. She than grabs me by my cock and moves me to the center. FYI, Sandy was hot, 5'7" fit and tanned, not a thin girl, she carried a weight of about 145 very well. She than grabs both of our cocks and starts work our shafts while telling us that we will be wrestling for her. The loser with be the first to cum. The winner with than get to fuck her, than she added the loser will have to watch and than eat out the winner cum from her pussy. We both protested to the last rule but, she kept working our cocks, which were both hard, we agreed.

Ok I am never good at describing the details of matches. I can say that we wrestled hard for about 15-20 minutes. During the match, we spend most of the time working different holds and worked our cocks non stop. Including, cock slaps, ball twists, forced sucking, mutual sucking, and even some lite kicks. I go my bud in a spladle. Not even sure how since it was not a hold that I knew. But he was trapped and I could work his cock without him being able to do anything. Sandy had spend much of the match on the mat with us, watching the action and fingering herself. Finally, we all knew this part of the match was almost over, Sandy was acting more of a ref and was so into the whole scene. She asked my Bud if he would give, I guess the spladle must have hurt, because he said yes. I was about to let him lose but Sandy says not until he cums. I remembers her saying, "You give? You have to Cum, Do you give up you cum, Give up your cum". Next thing I know cum is flying all over the mats.

I let my bud go and I am laying down next to him. My cock is stand straight up and Sandy raises my hand. Kisses my bud on the forehead and tells him he that he fought really well. She than proceeds to remove her bikini bottom and mount me. I had never, never seen Sandy so horny. She was clawing my pecs and biceps, leaving bruises and scratches. We both came in seconds. She than did as promised and sat herself on my Bud and got her pussy licked.

We all three rested, showered and we all had sex later that night.

Shortly after she moved, my Bud went into the military. We have have become facebook friends. That was about 16 years ago. Not a day goes by that I do not think of both of them.


stingray202 (0)

2018-04-13 02:17

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wow lucky guy!


Lilly (0)

2018-04-13 22:20

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yes he is
he loves to show me off
see me do sex fighting no real pain
i fuck her man


Corbin (0)

2018-02-18 09:16

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Wow thanks for clueing us in.what a terrific fetish experience


Lilly (0)

2018-02-18 15:34

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i love hot femfem sex match
and winning her man


ASmith1124 (0)

2018-02-16 22:09

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That is awesome. Thank you for sharing. My husband was also surprised to find out that his wife was not only accepting but a willing participant. Men need to learn to be more open with women, because we will surprise you.


Lilly (0)

2018-02-16 23:15

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i sex match her nude
im very bi and she?

femfem match no pain loser first to cum or till one cant cum anymore (is that lossing) maybe winner gets both men

she want to chat on yahoo messenger
im northcoast3000 there or call me 440-382-6398
we in ohio and u
ps your wife is hot


OrlJockwrestler (5)

2018-01-02 23:57

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damn what a hot match!!! so hot


Lilly (0)

2018-01-04 00:27

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i sex match in real life and female and u
will your gf sex match ne


santoman (1)

2018-01-04 17:54

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My current GF name is Norma. She is a very bi and a very good wrestler.

You can reach her at luchalady@yahoo.com


El Santoman


MudFighterMel (0)

2018-01-06 01:05

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shame you guys and us are so far apart as my gf Mya loves to wrestle and fight (bare fists!) also very bi very good in a fight and will never back down from any challenge! she has asked me to ask if she and your Norma might like to talk fighting on email - if so she will write her


KidGolden (0)

2017-12-22 14:27

Lilly luv to rassle u in a hot erotic match


Lilly (0)

2017-12-22 23:06

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if u a female I love it
I don't wrestle males unless their female beats me
Merry Christmas and Happy new year


MudFighterMel (0)

2018-01-06 01:11

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and I think my gf Mya could beat you Lilly - in any kind of fight you asked her for! she is only 5ft 5 (and 1/2!) and 125lbs but boy is she TOUGH!! will never give in while she has one breath left in her body - if only we were closer it would be a monumental scrap i see in ur profile u like online chat and Mya loves the look of you as another hot sex loving bi woman and as a fight opponent and has asked me to ask if you want to talk with her on email?


Lilly (0)

2018-01-06 04:28

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sure northcoasit3000@yahoo.com

I prefer a real life sex match
loser is first to cum or till one cant cum anymore
no pain I has some limits
come ehre are u the prize?


MudFighterMel (0)

2018-01-07 10:03

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cool thanks Lilly and Mya will write you soon she too prefers irl as do I and the kind of fight you outline is right up her - and my for m v m - street but we both fight mixed matches - and yes i would be the prize!


KidGolden (0)

2017-12-23 05:37

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My gfs rassles and would be happy to beat ur ass fuck u and make u eat her pussy and ass. Bring it and merry Xmas to. U too


Lilly (0)

2017-12-23 16:06

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I will sex match her winner gets both men
no pain ho sex fmefem sex
her age? weight? when?


KidGolden (0)

2018-01-04 18:38

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My gfs and I are still interested in sex match with u she is 5'7 162 great toned body 36dd.nice trimmed pussy for u to eat. Smooth sometimes . Will luv sitting on ur face as u eat her hot muscle ass as well. When can we set this up? Let me know .


sbplooser (1 )

2017-11-24 15:27

my wife VERY much likes me to wrestle other guys FOR HER, but she would not like me to wrestle another guy for HIS WIFE, therefore we only meet single guys......


Lilly (0)

2017-11-24 17:36

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will she match me sex match
im ready


Peter666 (0)

2017-09-22 16:41

I would be interested in a
couple, and the three of us


sbplooser (1 )

2017-09-22 13:39

well, my wife would not want that. She only likes me to wrestle another guy ONLY FOR HER. We tried once with a couple, but did not work, as the girls did not get along with each other. It might work if the girls are bisexual as well, they even could like to fight themselves for the guys as well...but my wife isn't, so we only meet single guys to wrestle for her....


peter45 (0)

2017-09-22 22:32

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Fair enough, if your wife wouldn't be interested. A lot of wives wouldn't be either. You have to find the right couple, who are very open minded and love to try something new. Odds are low. Also, nothing is set in stone. You have to adapt to everyone's needs.


Lilly (0)

2017-09-22 23:12

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Im a female and i would love to sex match your female
and u can be the prize


MudFighterMel (0)

2017-11-24 01:10

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great shame we are many miles apart as I have a friend a very tough lady who loves to fight not just females but men too actually she has never backed down from any fight! she would have had a sex fight with you with me as a prize; she has fought over me in mud - would you have been up 4 that?


Lilly (0)

2017-11-24 17:38

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tell me more about her
is she bi? where are u located?


MudFighterMel (0)

2017-12-16 18:17

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hi! yes she's bi and tough as nails!! only 5ft 5 and 125lbs but will fight anyone no matter the size she's 37 blonde good looking very sexy! used to be a biker girl so well up for any fight in any conditions indoors in oil outdoors in mud - just outside London so rather a long way away! do u want to talk more via email then can share pics and tell more about her fights - mine too if u want ours is stroudleyterrier@hotmail.co.uk


Lilly (0)

2017-12-18 22:12

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i would love to sex fight her nude
no pain sex dominating is the game

have u done her?


MudFighterMel (0)

2018-01-07 10:10

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apologies Lilly missed this message but yes she'd love to take you on as you describe - and yes I have and she's WILD


Lilly (0)

2018-01-07 12:55

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come to ohio
7 day notice nude im ready


Lilly (0)

2018-01-08 23:33

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she is hot
lets do it


facepinguy (0)

2017-09-22 05:23

The women will only want the winner!


peter45 (0)

2017-09-21 17:33

How's this scenario!
2 couples all meet in a room. They all strip down naked. Men will wrestle to see you the winner is. The winner gets the spoils, is agreed ! He gets to mount the losers wife or his, or both. The loser has to lick the cum out of the women's pussy, while the winner watches. Maybe, the winner will take heart and let the loser fuck one of the women, but that's his choice!! Also, maybe the women only want the cum of the winner!! Will there be a rematch??


OrlJockwrestler (5)

2017-12-20 13:54

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fuck yeah man... now that's a hot way to wrestle


Lilly (0)

2017-12-21 19:04

(Som svar till detta)

set it up I love to win u

7 days notice in ohio
daytime match and play no sunday
im ready ,wher age? weight ,hope she bi like me
femfem sex match

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