
First Story

nycwrestlerguy (0)

2015-12-01 17:37

outstanding start


bellypunch (0)

2015-11-24 05:45

A splendid opening. I appreciate the attention to the erotic energy and tension.


zbobsled (0)

2015-11-24 00:19

I would like to know how it finishes... Very good start!


HardfightFfm (73 )

2015-11-18 17:16

Reallly hot until there. Describe the match and how it ends. Get a hardon from reading it tlll here. Hot Story until yet for a first time. Go on.


lutteurardent (7)

2015-11-18 01:19


Very exciting!


jobr4p (0)

2015-11-16 10:57

I am not sure if my story fits in here but I figured I would post it for anyone who cares to read it. It is my first story so please do be kind. I am not sure if anyone shares my interest but I am actually not a fan of the woman leaving and/or having sex with the winner. I am actually a fan of stories where two man fight with their women cheering them on. I actually prefer the idea of a loving woman who is their to support her man no matter what the outcome of the fight is. I especially get excited by the thought of losing in front of my woman and then having her rush to my side to console me. I like to imagine that she hates seeing me lose but at the same time gets really turned on by seeing some superior stud destroy me. The memory of it then gets her extra hot as we have sex after and she nurses me back to health. Can anyone else relate?


My name is Jay and for the past two years I have been engaged to a beautiful woman named Ally. My fiancé and me are both in our mid 30s and have been together now for several years. We both make an effort to keep ourselves in good physical shape, which is why we still as attracted to each other as ever. I am 5’10”, around 185 pounds, while she is 5’4” and 125 pounds. I have a fairly toned body with very wide an muscular shoulders. My dark haired fiancé has a really great body it curved in all the right places. My favorite part of her body is her large breasts that I fondle any chance I get when we are alone. For as long as we had been together my Fiancé looked at me like I was her indestructible protector. It really is amazing though how just one night can change everything.
This whole thing started a few months ago when my Fiancé Ally started her new job at a local real estate company. Right from the start she loved almost everything about her new job except for this one particular co-worker. Over time my Fiancé’s dislike for the woman just got worse and worse. She would constantly come home upset and say things like, “that bitch is just so annoying”, or, “I don’t know who she fucking thinks she is”. But it was when the holidays came around that things got even worse.
The owner of my Fiancé’s company decided to invite all the employees to a big Christmas party at his mansion. Right away my fiancé told me that she didn’t want to attend since her rival would also be there but she also knew that as a new employee it would look bad for her to attend. On the day of the party my fiancé goes on and on about how much she hates her co-worker and how much she doesn’t want to go. I tried my best to put her at ease by reminding her that it is just one evening but it didn’t really seem to help. The whole drive over my fiancé is more tense than I have seen her in a long time and even I began to worry that the night could go badly.
To my relief, things actually went very smoothly when we first got to the party. There were so many other people there to chat and mingle with that my Fiancé and her co-worker were actually able just avoid each other. It wasn’t until later when the couples separated however that things got really interesting.
While the women went out back to sit by the pool, the men all went upstairs to watch a big football game on the homeowners big screen TV. It was then that I first met the husband to my wife’s rival, John. He was a inch or two taller than me but for the most part we were around the same height. We didn’t have much to say to each other, especially since we were both rooting for different teams. As the night went on and we had all had a few drinks, we eventually began exchanging a great deal of trash talk about our teams. After a while we eventually started to really get on each others nerves to the point that many of the other guests were getting very uncomfortable. The final straw for me came when John went as far as to say to me that, “now I see where your fiancé gets that annoying mouth of hers. I guess my wife was probably right about that bitch."
John’s remark really sent me into a rage. I wanted so badly to slug him and it was clear that he was feeling the exact same way. The only reason that we did not come to blows was that we both realized that we could get our women into a lot of trouble if we fought there at the company party. I even remarked to John that, “You and your wife are both lucky that I know how to control myself. If didn’t your slut would not only be out of a job, but she would also have to deal with the humiliation of having her husband get his ass kicked her in front of everyone.”
I could tell that this really got on John’s nerves. After several minutes John walked up to me in anger and demanded that I show up at his place tomorrow night at 10. He wanted us to settle the whole thing in an old-fashioned wrestling/grappling match. He said he wanted a wrestling match because anyone can win a fist fight by landing a lucky punch, but if you can overpower another man and either pin him or make him submit then you know that you are the better man. I agreed, but what I didn’t tell him was that along with never losing a fight in my life, I had been a great wrestler in both high school and college. I figured this would be my chance to really teach the asshole a lesson.
It was not until we were driving home that I told my Fiancé the contest I had agreed to the next night. At first she thought that the whole thing sounded crazy, but the more she thought about it the more she started to like it. She knows how strong I am and could see how confident I was about the whole thing. In the whole time we have been together she has seen me win many fights. In fact, I have always suspected that my Fiancé secretly finds it really hot to see me easily destroy other macho men. What really brought a smile to her face however, was when I told her that I was going to humiliate her rival’s husband right there in they’re own house.
I could see that my Fiancé was really getting excited but it surprised me when she then demanded that she get to come along and watch mine and John’s big wrestling match. At first I said no because in my mind, it was a matter that needed to be settled between us men. My Fiancé was disappointed but she refused to take no for an answer. As soon as we pulled into our drive way she began to tease me by rubbing my crotch and kissing me all over my neck. She then began to slowly unbutton my pants while she whispered compliments into my ear.
“Come on Baby” she whispered. “I just want to be there to support my man. You know how sexy you are gonna look while your stretching John’s body and making him beg for mercy. Its going to be the worst night of his trampy wife’s night. You cant ask me to miss it. Plus, if you let me come I promise that our victory celebration will be more than worth it.”
By then she had pulled my stiff cock completely out and had begun lightly rubbing her soft lips all around the tip. I eventually gave in but told her that she could come on only one condition. She had to wear something extra sexy to help motivate me to really fight hard. We also agreed that I would wrestle in whatever she wanted me too.
That night we had some of the best sex we had had in years. As I held her in our bed my Fiancé again asked me if I was going to fight extra hard for her tomorrow night. I just smiled and told her not to worry since I knew I was better than my opponent. The truth was that John didn’t worry me at all. In fact, I felt so confident that I would not have been surprised if at the end of the night his wife wanted to come home with us and join mine and my Fiancé’s celebration. I didn’t tell my Fiancé this of course, and as we both fall asleep, we welt nothing but excitement the next night.
The next night I arrive at John’s house a little after 10. Ally, having already made plans to meet a girlfriend for dinner on that night, will meet up with me here shortly. I am dressed casually in jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I also have a small black duffle bag in which I am carrying the athletic clothing I plan on wrestling in. I am still feeling very confident as I knock on the front door but the unfamiliar environment does put me a bit on edge.
Both John and his wife Kristy come to meet me at the door. John is dressed in long bathrobe while Kristy is dressed in low cut white shirt and skintight pair of jeans. I cannot help but admire how despite being in her early 40s, Kristy still manages to keep herself looking very sexy. As I step inside, John and I just glare at each other without saying a word. After a few awkward moments Kristy finally suggests that I go get ready and then meet them in the living room. She shows me to a spare bedroom where she says that I can get ready in private.
As I walk close behind her I cannot help but notice how amazing her tight jeans make her toned hips and ass look. Kristy is surprisingly friendly as she guides down the hall however she does give off a slight frown when I inform her that my fiancé will be joining us shortly. Before she leaving me alone to change, Kristy winks at me and says in a playful tone, “don’t take to long handsome”. It is now obvious that to me that she is just as excited about tonight as Ally. The thought of now wrestling in front of two horny women is now giving even more motivation to be at my very best.
I hurry to kick off my socks and shoes before then removing my shirt and jeans. I am now wearing nothing except for my snug fitting pair of designer brief underwear. They are light blue and have a solid white waistband that bears the designer’s name in bold lettering. I now take a couple of minutes to go through some simple stretching routines. Once I feel good loose, I then walk over to my duffle bag in which I have placed all of my athletic equipment. The first thing I pull out of the bag are my two black kneepads. Since I knew we would probably be competing on rough carpet or mats, I figured it would be a good idea if I wore them. I slide both kneepads onto my knees before then taking a few steps around the room to make sure that I can move around comfortably while wearing them. I then make my way over to long mirror that I notice hanging on the wall.
As I stand there and observe my reflection, I feel very pleased with what I see. My legs and shoulders look strong while my six-pack abs looked as though they are toned to perfection. I can also not help but take special notice of the way that my tiny pair of briefs shows off my impressive bulge. All in all I feel like I am in the best shape of my life and I now eve more confident than ever that I will absolutely embarrass my opponent. It is at that moment then that I hear the doorbell to the front door ring. A few moments later I hear the knob turn and the door to the small bedroom swing open.
I look up as my fiancé enters the room and immediately I am left speechless by what I see. Ally is standing there dressed in a very tight black short-sleeve top. The shirt is very low cut in the front so as to show off my fiancé’s picture perfect cleavage. She also has on an unbelievably short black leather skirt that she complements with a pair of sexy tan high-heels.
“So, what do you think of my new outfit?” Ally asks as she stands there by the door. “I hope you like it. I got it just for tonight.” With both arms extended Ally turns around slowly so that I can better view her outfit from top to bottom.
I don’t say anything. Instead I walk right up to my gorgeous fiancé and wrap my right around entirely around her small waist. I then pull her in close and plant a passionate kiss right on her lips. Ally smiles at my show of approval, and for the next several seconds I go about kissing and fondling every part of her neck and breasts. It takes every ounce of self-control that I have for me to keep from ripping every piece of Ally’s clothing right off of her perfect body but somehow I resist.
After reluctantly breaking away from mine an Ally’s embrace, I walk back over to my bag and pull out the long pair athletic shorts that I had brought to wrestle in. Before I could change into them however, I am stopped. With a mischievous grin Ally takes the pair of shorts from my hand and shakes her head at me. She then explains that she wants me to wrestle just the way that I am; in nothing more than by briefs and kneepads. I am reluctant at first, but after a little more of my sexy fiancé’s convincing I agree. Ally then surprising me again when she stops me from stuffing my protective cup into the front of my underwear.
“Trust me Honey” Ally says, “You will be fine without it. Besides, when you stand over John’s beaten body, I want both him and Kristy to see that my man is better in every way; and I do mean EVERY WAY.” Before I can even respond Ally grabs a hold of my crotch and we again began to engage in yet another intense makeout session. This continues for several seconds and by the time we are done I am already half way to a full erection. My tight fitting briefs do nothing to hide my condition.
“Well, I guess we shouldn’t keep them waiting too long” I now say. Ally, who is still mesmerized by the sight of my growing crotch, just nods her head in agreement. I now take her by the hand and together we both make our way out of the bedroom and over to the living room.
John and Kristy are both waiting for us as we enter the large living room. The furniture has all been moved against the walls and a large thin blue mat had been laid out in the center of the room. John is standing there in the middle of the mat, while Kristy is seated on one of the couches. Kristy greets Ally with a very tense stare before then turning her attention over to me.
“Wow” Kristy says as she stars directly at my crotch.” I must admit that your man is actually quite impressive. You know with all that at home Ally I would really expect that you would be a more pleasant person.”
Kristy just smiles as she realizes that she has now really begun to get under Ally’s skin. “Geez, no need to get so touchy Ally. Just trying to have a little fun here tonight.”
I gently grab Ally by her arm and try my best to calm her down. We are then interrupted by John who in an annoyed tone suggests that we hurry up and get this whole thing started. I agree and join him on the mat. We are now standing face to face as John removes his robe and tosses it to the side. He is dressed in a red pair boxer shorts that fit him very snug. It is obvious that John is also in very good shape. He is a couple of inches taller than me but my arms and shoulders are a little bit broader and better defined than his. I am also a few years younger. On the surface this looks like a fairly even match up.
We stand there on the mat and continue staring each other down. Our respective lovers soon join us. Ally stands behind me, while Kristy stands behind John. They now begin to sensually rub us both down as Kristy begins going over the rules that me and John and agreed on. Neither of us is to hit the other man in the face. No punches or kicks are to be thrown. This will be an old fashioned wrestling match in which the only way to win is to either pin your opponents shoulder’s to floor for a full 5 seconds or to make the other man submit. It will to be a 2 out of 3 falls contest.
Neither of us really needs to be reminded about the rules but we both still enjoy having our women rub us down prior to the match. Our women seem to also be enjoying it since soon each of them are trying to see who can get their man more riled up.
Ally had begun by just rubbing my shoulders and whispering encouragement into my ear, but as Kristy begins to get more and more sexual with her partner, so too does Ally. Ally now starts to kiss my neck and nibble seductively on my ear. While still standing behind me she then wraps her arms around me and began to softly rub her hands all over the front of my body. First my chest, then and abdomen, and then finally my crotch. I can not help but enjoy this, especially when Ally goes as far as to reach her hand inside my underwear and begin massaging my bare cock. Kristy does the same and before long both me and John and both standing there sporting very noticeable erections.
By now Ally and Kristy are trading catty insults and insisting to each other that that they are both about to find out who has the better stud. They are also arguing over who’s man has the more impressive erection. Rather than focusing on John, I am now just trying with all my might to keep cuming. I know that if that happens it will drain a lot of my energy and put me at a big disadvantage during the match. Thankfully, when it feels like I can not possibly avoid cuming any longer, the ladies stop and agree that it is time for John and I to start the match.
I turn around to face Ally one last time before we begin. I can see from the outline in her shirt that her nipples are now very hard.
“Don’t you worry Baby” Ally whispers softly into my ear. “This guy doesn’t stand a chance and he knows it. I am going to be right here the whole time cheering for you on. Just try to not take too long to finish him cause I have a very special reward for you after you win.”
I smile and nod my head as my fiancé gives me one last great kiss. She then goes and sits down one a large recliner that had moved against the wall. She tugs down on her short leather skirt and then crosses her legs as she sits and waits for us to begin. As soon Kristy finishes giving John some final encouragement, she too goes and sits down on the opposite side of the room from Ally. With both ladies now seated and ready, mine and Johns big wrestling match finally begins.

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