
Adding insult to injury 😈

thunder64boxer (8)

2020-09-17 11:34

I agree with my fellow fighters here.
There is nothing more satisfying than facing another man in the prize ring, as his woman is at ringside.
Then taking the best he has as a fighter, destroying him, and then claiming what he waited to keep; his pride and his lover.


Boxerboy91 (15)

2020-09-17 10:45

As my profile states, my lady comes along with me to watch most of my matches. I’ve learned as I have won a few and lost a few (lost badly lol) that when it comes time to take the stakes, you are brutal and humiliating, but at the same time, you respect limitations and at the end of the day, you’re all friends. I’ve beaten guys who I made suffer some seriously humiliating circumstances and have lost and been subjected to the same. Whatever you do, always respect your opponent and don’t spend the whole evening degrading them. Share a beer or a long talk and a laugh.

Strip em, spank em, subjugate em...whatever you like. But always take the time to build a friendship at the ends


RockerBoy36 (0)

2020-09-17 14:53

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Very well said!!! I couldn’t agree more.


SeattleFight (511)

2020-09-17 18:45

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Ditto. A big part of what makes this hot and fun is the primal male bonding that comes through fighting.


RockerBoy36 (0)

2020-09-16 18:45

When there’s a beautiful woman watching, how much do you try to embarrass the other guy, in addition to punishing him physically? For me, it’s equally satisfying to break his spirit along with his body. Maybe you strip him. Or spank him. Or sit your sweaty ass on his face. Or make him say out loud, in front of her, that he’s a pussy.

What are your favorite ways to embarrass and disrespect your opponent in front of the woman?


SeattleFight (511)

2020-09-17 00:56

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That in addition to me beating her man, make her say she wants me more and I’m hotter than he is.

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