Trampling Abs

how much weight on torso

Aprofis80 (0)

2024-07-20 18:32

100kg standing on your stomach is okay.

Blasting 40kg onto your abs is much harder.


stomachchallenge (5)

2024-07-20 19:10

(Som svar till detta)

you speak with who?


stomachchallenge (5)

2024-07-20 09:29

100kg i can tak 4 jump on abs
1 time i had 200kg boy on my stomach for 10second
norally i have between 90kg et 140kg on my stomach
i had fo the first time a few month ago 2 man on my stomach ! 1 man weight 90kh and other man 85kg: 175kg on my stomach for 1 minute


mathieu0431 (3)

2024-07-19 13:47


I took Up to 90kg on torso or abs with 1 Guy, and 145kg with 2 guys (70kg on torso + 75kg on abs).

Personnaly, I consider the challenge validated if
- the weight is maintained with no move for at least 1 minute
- or weight applied dynamically (stems, walk) for at least 3 minutes.

With the 2 guys, 1 guy sitted on the other's shoulders, I could handle the 145kg total weight on abs for 30 seconds. 10 reps with 1' of rest.

I also like having 1 guy standing on my head and the other moving from torso to abs.


daddybryan (0 )

2024-07-19 12:11

what is the most weight you have taken on your abs or full torso

or have you been part of a group of men trampling another man in 2 or 3 of you together

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