Put this into my blog back in April, with the idea of (1) Saving time (2) Upping the heart rate (3) Not wasting a chance to exercise body parts. As my exercise routine daily often is well past 3 hour daily, I thought that some multi-tasking is in order to fit in more exercise into less time. Tell me what you think. Plan to do likewise when working the abs, as doing abs alone is a terrible waste of the neck, legs, and arms during that time. PS Give some thought to meeting me on the mats if you ever get to the Wash DC area. :)
Especially great if running hurts the knees, can't or no place to swim, and don't want to go breakneck speeds on a bike going down the trail system. Do it intense enough and you should be at aerobic and will have exercised all kinds of muscles you don't get with most other routines.
First: Be physically fit enough to begin exercising in the first place. [Yes..I have to stress that, even for some users of this site.] This routine is not for couch potatoes or egregiously out of shape folks as their premiere routine–check with your licensed medical practitioner. Then, once cleared, ----Commit yourself to do these with intensity, con gusto, avec vitesse.
Walk, 15 min or so mile pace–clasp your hands–tight squezzing them like you mean it hanging on for life, for strengthening the grip. Manipulate the arms against each other at every possible angle (alternating which hand is clasping the other) Resist like you mean it. Do it in front, behind you, over the head, down low–so it's like multi-angle benches, mil presses, regular & Fr. curls, etc. and bend the wrists at times resisting each other--- and resist bending hand against hand at times, to work the wrists/forearms.
Keep your abs tough, tight throughout, and when "resting" from grasping the hands, tighten the abs more and pound them (use common sense, keep the muscles there tight as a drum, and avoid your ribs – You don't want to break them). And tighten up those butt muscles as you walk. Few thing uglier than as soggy-looking ass. After that, hand against the head and push, all angles–change hands at times, resisting with your neck muscles (again use common sense).
Make the entire cycle last 12-15 minutes; ("Rest" by merely walking–Keep up the pace). Work up to four cycles (like 4 sets) More if yur in Gung-Ho City
If you can last 60 minutes or so, you've had a good workout. And you'll have the sidewalk, rec trail, whatever; and wide open because people will think you're some crazy man gyrating, contorting your body madly – every which way but loose. and sure as hell will give you wide clearance. If anyone starts handing you crap, tell them it's one of your homework assignments for a mortal hand-to-hand combat course, such as krav maga.
**Caveats: Make sure yur fit enough in the first place to try this. Clear it with your doc. You might be stiff the next day after yur first couple times doing this. Hint: Don't do the gut striking if children are in sight–Don't want them imitating it, not realizing the gut has to be tightened up for it to be safe. Same goes for any strikes below the navel around women and kids–could be misconstrued as some kind of a sexual thing.
Spruceman (55)
2017-12-13 20:26Put this into my blog back in April, with the idea of (1) Saving time (2) Upping the heart rate (3) Not wasting a chance to exercise body parts. As my exercise routine daily often is well past 3 hour daily, I thought that some multi-tasking is in order to fit in more exercise into less time. Tell me what you think. Plan to do likewise when working the abs, as doing abs alone is a terrible waste of the neck, legs, and arms during that time. PS Give some thought to meeting me on the mats if you ever get to the Wash DC area. :)
Especially great if running hurts the knees, can't or no place to swim, and don't want to go breakneck speeds on a bike going down the trail system. Do it intense enough and you should be at aerobic and will have exercised all kinds of muscles you don't get with most other routines.
First: Be physically fit enough to begin exercising in the first place. [Yes..I have to stress that, even for some users of this site.] This routine is not for couch potatoes or egregiously out of shape folks as their premiere routine–check with your licensed medical practitioner. Then, once cleared, ----Commit yourself to do these with intensity, con gusto, avec vitesse.
Walk, 15 min or so mile pace–clasp your hands–tight squezzing them like you mean it hanging on for life, for strengthening the grip. Manipulate the arms against each other at every possible angle (alternating which hand is clasping the other) Resist like you mean it. Do it in front, behind you, over the head, down low–so it's like multi-angle benches, mil presses, regular & Fr. curls, etc. and bend the wrists at times resisting each other--- and resist bending hand against hand at times, to work the wrists/forearms.
Keep your abs tough, tight throughout, and when "resting" from grasping the hands, tighten the abs more and pound them (use common sense, keep the muscles there tight as a drum, and avoid your ribs – You don't want to break them). And tighten up those butt muscles as you walk. Few thing uglier than as soggy-looking ass. After that, hand against the head and push, all angles–change hands at times, resisting with your neck muscles (again use common sense).
Make the entire cycle last 12-15 minutes; ("Rest" by merely walking–Keep up the pace). Work up to four cycles (like 4 sets) More if yur in Gung-Ho City
If you can last 60 minutes or so, you've had a good workout. And you'll have the sidewalk, rec trail, whatever; and wide open because people will think you're some crazy man gyrating, contorting your body madly – every which way but loose. and sure as hell will give you wide clearance. If anyone starts handing you crap, tell them it's one of your homework assignments for a mortal hand-to-hand combat course, such as krav maga.
**Caveats: Make sure yur fit enough in the first place to try this. Clear it with your doc. You might be stiff the next day after yur first couple times doing this. Hint: Don't do the gut striking if children are in sight–Don't want them imitating it, not realizing the gut has to be tightened up for it to be safe. Same goes for any strikes below the navel around women and kids–could be misconstrued as some kind of a sexual thing.