Stakes, Spoils, and Post-Match Punishment


clewrslr (3)

2016-06-28 06:00

wish i were closer to take u on and oil u up in mineral oil and maybe some crisco as well and slide all over to total erotic domination of your slick but turned on and easily maneuvered body!


MaxLuther (0)

2016-06-28 09:40

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Mmm oh yes please ! What is Crisco ?


Just Dan (8)

2016-07-02 12:32

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Crisco is a brand name for a lard like fat that is used for cooking. It's solid at room temperature but melts in a frying pan, and maybe on a hot body I don't know about that part. It was a very commonly used in the last half of the 20th Century in America. Today nearly every cook I know uses vegetable oil.


MaxLuther (0)

2016-07-02 13:42

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That sounds hot n sexy


clewrslr (3)

2016-07-02 04:21

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like solid vegetable oil – very thick and covering and gets slick as u move around in it!


MaxLuther (0)

2016-06-27 23:40

As a complete novice I'm looking for an erotic oil wrestle with my body as the win , its yours to enjoy... Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.



2016-07-02 23:31

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sure wish you could get to seattle, Max woof


MaxLuther (0)

2016-07-03 13:53

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I wish I could...I can imagine that my balls would be in a very strong grip...



2016-07-05 01:02

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You know they would. The entire match!


MaxLuther (0)

2016-07-05 01:40

(Som svar till detta)

Squeeze them hard to make me comply with your demands...

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