Pin lovers

To Hook or Not to Hook?

Reco11 (6)

2017-08-01 13:58

For sure booking the leg is hotter.


flawrestler123 (0)

2014-10-15 00:16

This is my favorite move in pro wrestling by far. The thing that I love about pro wrestling is the dominance that is shown when one guy beats the tar out of the other and ends the match with a pin. While a hooked leg can be hot, I like a cross body belly to belly pin, where a hot heel is pressing his flesh into the fallen jobber (with an arched back for extra hotness). Nothing hotter than a confident, grinning heel who knows there is no need to hook that leg because he is totally in control. Perhaps he will even yank his fallen jobber up by the hair before three, just for fun. Yes fellas, I vote cross body pin without a hooked leg for sure.


Wrangler3522 (0)

2016-06-30 15:55

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Hook, hook, hook! All day humiliate him just because you can!


Albertoalverez (17)

2013-08-31 00:29

for me it would depend on the opponent. If its a bigger guy, or stronger guy then i wouldn't hook the leg. more fun to humiliate. if its a guy my size then i would do i just to look dominant. then again it depends on my mood and the guy i'm wrestling.


Wrangler3522 (0)

2016-06-30 15:57

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Hooking his leg puts him on display and shows your complete dominance. He is conscious but doesn't want to stop you. He is surrendering in the most humiliating way.


Aimperator (0)

2016-07-13 21:29

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Never hook, beat the boy down until he's nothing but a dishrag in your hands, and you can easily pin him, then on the count of two grab a handful of his hair and pull his shoulders up off the mats. Then stnd him back up for somemore!


flawrestler123 (0)

2015-08-22 01:55

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That sounds good to me, especially the humiliation part. Love a cocky cover!


Indrslr (8)

2013-01-07 05:43

I suppose you could try to cradle and hook the leg while clasping your hands together. But for a pro match, hooking the leg while pinning the chest is more fun. I tried a variation where I hooked the leg and used one leg to force his other leg flat. Difficult to describe, but it was kind of a leg split.


jurandi (1)

2013-02-22 20:40

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this looks a hot hold.


walterjack (10)

2011-07-10 09:35

only really works as a pro pin. in anything remotely competitive their leg is going to be much stronger than the arm you're trying to hook with.


planted pinned (47)

2011-05-17 06:18

LOL good answer blimpman I like your style.


blimpmang (0)

2011-05-12 09:04

Hooking the leg is definitely a characteristic of a pro wrestling pin. Since we're talking about pro wrestling here, the pin is more for visual delivery than actual effectiveness. Personally, I'd prefer to hook when I know my opponent is out cold and can't get out of my pin. If he still wants a beating, I won't make his kick-out more difficult than it has to be by hooking the leg.

On a more fun note, putting your hand between his legs can't be a bad thing.


Indrslr (8)

2013-04-19 23:12

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Try hooking and cradling his head at the same time.


JabroniJobber (0)

2013-03-20 09:29

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Very well said... damn, it's hot in here


planted pinned (47)

2011-05-10 01:57

How do you decide whether or not to hook your opponents leg when you're going for the pin? What are the pros/cons?

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