Hi guys
I'm having trouble in north east uk finding someone to facesit me. I can take a load of punishment guys. Just want to feel a guy sat on top of me with his crotch in my face. Any one out there.
Sure am! There's nothing like sitting atop your opponent and watching him squirm as he struggles in vain to get out from under your body towering over him. Love grabbing his head and slowly pulling his face into my balls and there's nothing he can do about it.
I find that if I use gravity to keep him pinned and let him tire himself out I can play with him and he has no strength to resist whatever humiliation and pain I want to put him through.
Seeking to be SBP'd, face sit pinned, forward and/or reverse, gear of your choice, here in either Wilmington NC, or Myrtle beach SC. Love head scissors as well !
There is nothing better than mounting and sitting astride of your opponent. I sit upright astride of his chest and wedge my feet under his sides. I spread my perineum and open my legs, knees and thighs slightly wide either side of him and wedge him tightly between and underneath my buttocks. This makes it tight and gives a comfortable ride.
Further to my 8 November post. Watch out though, the next step could be triangle choke. If the guy being held gets a glazed look in his eye, or taps, release him immediately. The guy being held should tap the moment he starts to feel in the least bit dizzy. You don't want an embarrassing accident on your hands.
How about if the guy underneath gets one arm out & behind your leg? You can then slide that leg round behind his neck, hook that ankle under your other knee & you've then got him clamped, with your crotch right against his face. What a way to go!
Nothing more erotic and hot than a slow and mean schoolboy or facesit pin: If the winner gets his opponent on his back, first he can lie on him, holding his arms down, then the winner moves forward slowly on loser's chest thus loser has to watch winner's bulge come closer to his face. Then winner sits on chest, his bulge right in front of loser's face, grabbing one of loser's arm and puts it under his knee, then the other arm under other knee, making loser totally helpless under winner, winner can raise arms and triumph. As winner has the helpless loser under him, he can put his hand back and jerk the loser, force him to cum and shoot his sperm in the dirt, and he can also force the loser to suck him. I think there is NOTHING more erotic....than this....
Like all kinds of pins to finish the match but definitely the high on chest schoolboy pin with an added facesitting smother pin either forward or reverse takes me into heaven if my pinner likes to apply it for long periods of time without a break.
beserk90 (0)
2015-12-24 05:21schoolboy pin is so hot it is evan hotter if it is a sexy black guy pinning Down a cute white boy
watson (10)
2015-12-17 17:55Hi guys
I'm having trouble in north east uk finding someone to facesit me. I can take a load of punishment guys. Just want to feel a guy sat on top of me with his crotch in my face. Any one out there.
rickjohnson8718 (3)
2015-08-27 04:07nothing like sitting on a big beefy muscle dudes stomach after a fight for a sit session. work his pecs and biceps while you sink into his beefy belly
Jack3049 (0)
2015-11-12 17:17(Som svar till detta)
Sonds really hot
LisbonWrestler (39)
2015-07-02 01:09Anyone into SBP/Body mounting for hours? Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.
SqueezeUGood (10)
2015-09-24 05:51(Som svar till detta)
Sure am! There's nothing like sitting atop your opponent and watching him squirm as he struggles in vain to get out from under your body towering over him. Love grabbing his head and slowly pulling his face into my balls and there's nothing he can do about it.
I find that if I use gravity to keep him pinned and let him tire himself out I can play with him and he has no strength to resist whatever humiliation and pain I want to put him through.
LisbonWrestler (39)
2015-09-24 23:47(Som svar till detta)
Ah very smart!!!!!!!!!
Jack3049 (0)
2015-09-20 18:12(Som svar till detta)
Love to be school boy pinned for hours
slipsbp (4)
2015-09-23 10:51(Som svar till detta)
A long SBP with me in France ?
sitonme (4)
2015-08-28 11:01(Som svar till detta)
You can sbp me for hours anytime
schoolboy lad (4)
2015-08-28 01:02(Som svar till detta)
Hey mate, I'd love to
ultimatescissorsjobber (2)
2015-07-21 18:37(Som svar till detta)
Seeking to be SBP'd, face sit pinned, forward and/or reverse, gear of your choice, here in either Wilmington NC, or Myrtle beach SC. Love head scissors as well !
Jack3049 (0)
2015-07-20 01:07(Som svar till detta)
I would love that for hours
liny120300 (0)
2015-07-10 01:58(Som svar till detta)
someone could keep me pinned down like this for hours at a time
greekwrestler (75)
2015-07-08 10:54(Som svar till detta)
I love this
nangkushti (5 )
2015-07-07 17:54(Som svar till detta)
i will face sit on u if u like
Jack3049 (0)
2015-12-20 07:04(Som svar till detta)
Anybody want to school boy pin me for hours wearing levis jeans I live in SW florida
greekwrestler (75)
2015-09-23 11:29(Som svar till detta)
can u force m to this??
slipsbp (4)
2015-07-03 11:36(Som svar till detta)
hummmmmmmmmmm !
Jack3049 (0)
2015-07-02 17:43(Som svar till detta)
That would be hot straddle pinned for hours while your on top
grapl (0)
2015-07-02 11:26(Som svar till detta)
Yeah, long sessions & with fighting to hold or escape from it some of the time too - but ideally both naked.
moose123 (0)
2014-01-25 20:41There is nothing better than mounting and sitting astride of your opponent. I sit upright astride of his chest and wedge my feet under his sides. I spread my perineum and open my legs, knees and thighs slightly wide either side of him and wedge him tightly between and underneath my buttocks. This makes it tight and gives a comfortable ride.
Jack3049 (0)
2015-12-20 07:06(Som svar till detta)
That sounds hot I would love you to straddle pin me for hours in levis Jeans
Jack3049 (0)
2015-07-20 01:09(Som svar till detta)
That sounds so hott
Jack3049 (0)
2015-07-02 17:45(Som svar till detta)
That sounds hot I love to be straddle pinned like that for hours
Smithyy94 (0)
2013-12-31 02:38Love to be schoolboy pinned and try to escape
Folding Press (13)
2013-12-27 12:23Love scghoolboy pins and bum to face also bvum on bum roll ups
hotelwrestle (8)
2013-12-14 13:38Schoolboy pin was the first i ever learned but i love to do the facesit as well - especially if the match is in briefs or naked
grapl (0)
2013-11-09 16:19Further to my 8 November post. Watch out though, the next step could be triangle choke. If the guy being held gets a glazed look in his eye, or taps, release him immediately. The guy being held should tap the moment he starts to feel in the least bit dizzy. You don't want an embarrassing accident on your hands.
grapl (0)
2013-11-08 18:43How about if the guy underneath gets one arm out & behind your leg? You can then slide that leg round behind his neck, hook that ankle under your other knee & you've then got him clamped, with your crotch right against his face. What a way to go!
sbplooser (0)
2013-10-16 13:39Nothing more erotic and hot than a slow and mean schoolboy or facesit pin: If the winner gets his opponent on his back, first he can lie on him, holding his arms down, then the winner moves forward slowly on loser's chest thus loser has to watch winner's bulge come closer to his face. Then winner sits on chest, his bulge right in front of loser's face, grabbing one of loser's arm and puts it under his knee, then the other arm under other knee, making loser totally helpless under winner, winner can raise arms and triumph. As winner has the helpless loser under him, he can put his hand back and jerk the loser, force him to cum and shoot his sperm in the dirt, and he can also force the loser to suck him. I think there is NOTHING more erotic....than this....
schoolboy lad (4)
2015-12-07 01:45(Som svar till detta)
That sounds amazing, I'd love do tis for hours
schoolboy lad (4)
2015-08-28 00:57(Som svar till detta)
...I fully agree, this is great
Grappler884 (0)
2015-07-04 14:07(Som svar till detta)
Better yet?
Reverse Schoolboy Pin
Sit on opponent and face toward his legs.
No need to "reach back", as his bulge is right in front of you. Torment his balls or reach into his trunks?
Jack3049 (0)
2015-07-03 04:35(Som svar till detta)
That sounds really hot
sbplooser (0)
2013-10-16 13:41(Som svar till detta)
wanted to put a pic to this Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.
Albertoalverez (17)
2013-08-31 00:32those pins are more erotic for me. :P
gregsbp (2)
2012-11-02 01:48Skip the wrestling and start with the schoolboy pin, my favorite hold, followed by a grapevine.
smotherme (2)
2010-12-29 22:17Like all kinds of pins to finish the match but definitely the high on chest schoolboy pin with an added facesitting smother pin either forward or reverse takes me into heaven if my pinner likes to apply it for long periods of time without a break.
jobbercrushed (0)
2013-04-05 07:10(Som svar till detta)
I totally agree!!