Pin lovers

Overtime / Tie Breaker

YYC Sabre (0)

2016-01-26 05:24


The winner is declared in a 15-minute round of total pins. If it's still tied, a sudden-death occurs on whenever the first pin happens.

Just keeping it simple.


nu2rasln (42)

2016-01-27 15:01

(Som svar till detta)

You guys are talking about pro? and amateur? never heard of overtime in prostyle!


YYC Sabre (0)

2016-01-27 15:13

(Som svar till detta)

Amateur, of course!
Pro? HA! 😆


nu2rasln (42)

2016-01-28 05:32

(Som svar till detta)

So thats good then, and you propose a 15 minute overtime for amateur matches? Sounds like I better pin some body


Grappler884 (0)

2016-01-25 18:18

First overtime round
Sudden victory period
If the third period ends in a tie, a one-minute, sudden victory period occurs. Both wrestlers start in the neutral position. The first wrestler to score a takedown wins. Time advantage is not used in any sudden victory period.[36]

Tiebreaker periods
If no points are scored in the sudden victory period, or if the first points were scored simultaneously, two 30-second tiebreaker periods occur. Both wrestlers start in the referee's position. The wrestler who scored the first points (besides escapes and penalty points) in regulation has the choice of top or bottom position. If the only points scored in regulation were for escapes or penalties, the choice of position will be given to the winner of a colored disk toss. After the wrestler makes his choice, the two contestants then wrestle. Either of the two wrestlers must try to score as many points as he can. Once one 30-second period is over, the wrestler who was in the bottom position then wrestles on the top in another 30-second period. Whoever scores the most points (or is awarded a fall, default, or disqualification) wins the match. Time advantage is kept, and points are awarded accordingly.[37]

Second overtime round
If no wrestler has won by the end of the two tiebreaker periods, a second overtime round starts with a one-minute, sudden victory period, and then two 30-second tiebreaker periods for each wrestler. The wrestler who did not have the choice of position in the previous overtime round's first tiebreaker period now has the choice of position in this overtime round's first tiebreaker period. If the score remains tied after the end of the second overtime round, the wrestler who has one second or more of net time advantage from the two rounds of tiebreaker periods will be declared the winner.[38]

Subsequent overtime round(s)
If a winner still cannot be determined, overtime rounds that are structured like the second round of overtime take place until one wrestler scores enough points for the victory.[39]

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