
Favorite wrestlers that used a piledriver finisher?

Spoiler18 (13)

för 3 dagar sedan

To my mind there's no better finishing move than a solid old school piledriver; from the top turnbuckle, repeatedly over and over, on the ring apron, from the apron to the concrete floor, into a bunch of folding chairs or into the head of the loser's tag team partner! Always bust a nut watching solid piledrivers. Muraco never seemed to care how long the punk's face lingered around his package before his got his head slammed between those beefy thighs either. WOOOFFF!


scooterNnc (1)

2024-10-08 05:50

When I was a young boy watching wrestling, Rip Hawke was the wrestler that got me hooked on watching the piledriver. I would get an instant boner watching him put away jobbers


Spoiler18 (13)

2024-10-09 14:07

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Hey Scooter, got any links to this Rip Hawke wrestler? Did a search on Youtube for him but came up with very little. Sure would love to see him deliver a brutal piledriver (or two). The piledriver is definitely one of my go-to finishers when I wanna bust a nut.


scooterNnc (1)

för 3 dagar sedan

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I just found a highlight piece on Rip Hawke. I'll send it to you.


Beazer18 (24)

2024-10-06 13:48

"Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams does a mean piledriver to most of his victims.


Spoiler18 (13)

2024-10-09 14:08

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Man oh man, Beazer this hot sauce Tracy Williams is one hot guy. Guess I should start watching more of the independent matches instead of the vintage beatdowns from the 70s-90s. WOOOFFF!


scooterNnc (1)

2024-10-08 05:33

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Beazer18. Tracy Williams is so hot putting dudes away with his piledriver. I've busted many loads watching him.


Hardmatch (98)

2024-10-06 14:00

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Great action.


Sportsguy192 (0)

2022-11-19 17:19

Paul Orndorff and Magnificent Muraco would get my votes, but liked seeing any wrestler use it on his opponent.


rhss4682 (82)

2022-10-19 05:33

Dynamite Kid and Tiger Mask


scooterNnc (1)

2022-09-16 13:34

Nick Bockwinkel had some really hot piledrivers back in the day.


buster1066 (0)

2022-10-18 16:32

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UK wrestler [when young] Dave 'Fit' Finlay - World of Sport days


buster1066 (0)

2022-10-18 16:27

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Bockwinkle triple piledriver on Angel Rivera. Hot.


Royalb (20)

2022-09-17 10:35

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U bet he did, manly man!


oliverbear (6)

2022-09-16 00:10

Bob Orton, Jr.


Royalb (20)

2022-09-17 10:36

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Tough guy rassler, not much to look at but had some moves!


codywrestler (24)

2022-05-24 15:50

Paul Orndorf for sure.... busted out so man loads and still do watching him ram an opponents head into the ring floor as he drops down.


Royalb (20)

2022-09-17 10:36

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List a few to his moves, too.


alexmarks (0)

2022-05-24 17:35

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Yum! Was getting off to him and Brad Armstrong the other day...Brad was my childhood favorite though.


Hardmatch (98)

2022-05-24 05:17

Diamond Timothy Flowers, we’ll known in Western Canada.


alexmarks (0)

2022-05-23 17:21

Rick Rude...always got off to his Piledrivers...especially when he did them on the concrete floor!


Beazer18 (24)

2022-05-24 05:31

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Rick rude could always execute a nice piledriver to his opponent. Rick Rude and Ultimate Warrior dished out several to each other throughout their career.

Check out: 2:34, 4:03, and 5:12


jessC85 (0)

2022-05-24 03:24

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oh yeah specially when he was in squash matches drivin' hot jocks in sexy trunks


jessC85 (0)

2022-05-22 14:20

Definitely Jerry Lawler! most of his opponents were in a straight body position when he dropped them... Kid Kash's Moneymaker...using the tiger driver variation...Also Eric Young...i like his piledrivers


TBLHockeyGeek (85 )

2022-03-12 00:53

Kevin Steen (now Owens)'s package piledrivers.


Jobber4fun (4)

2022-03-10 14:28

Orndorff and Muraco for sure, but I also liked Bob Orton Jr's piledrivers.


Jobbersquash4u (14)

2022-03-10 12:01

Kanes more recent tombstones, one to Finn balor on the concrete floor and to Daniel Bryan on a table


piledrivinking (16)

2022-03-10 05:19

Paul orndorff!


Royalb (20)

2022-09-17 10:35

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Oh yeah! Mr. Wonderful!


Cos6ft6 (3)

2022-03-10 10:56

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Orndorff was most everyone's favorite. I remember him from AWA days before he started using the piledriver.


Cos6ft6 (3)

2022-03-10 03:53

No new threads in a while. Who did you like that used a piledriver? I'll start it off with Bob Roop.


steelwheels (0 )

2022-03-10 07:02

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Don muraco


Cos6ft6 (3)

2022-03-10 10:57

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Muraco was always one of my favorites too.


steelwheels (0 )

2022-03-12 06:53

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yeah i would have love to be finished off with me getting a piledriver from muraco back in the day

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