London 🇬🇧

London Ring Venues

MeatJoe (4)

2024-10-27 07:01

Hi, what's the current status of places?


Warrior (1)

2024-10-28 09:05

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Walthamstow brilliant venue. Totally private. Great space proper ring plus mats.


Centaur (73)

2024-10-27 08:34

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Hey fella, two main places Walthamstow and Seven Sisters, Walthamstow is the ring and Seven Sisters the mat room


MeatJoe (4)

2024-10-27 08:54

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Thanks, would be great to fight in these places.


fitnesssouth1 (13)

2024-07-11 01:11

Is Grove Park ring back ?


Warrior (1)

2024-07-11 09:22

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Not the ring. Wrestler4u has put up a message under this post.


wrestler4u (2)

2024-07-07 13:42


I'm 'wrestler4u' Scott here.

As of today, the Grove Park wrestling space is available for wrestling bouts. In a somewhat restricted format, you do have to include me in any bouts or for refereeing. The reason for this is that the mat space, which is now 12'x10' in size, is located near storage shelving, which is still being dismantled in order to make the wrestling space even bigger.

The next move up in mat space size will take it to 16'x10' and then, next year, 16'x16'.

This is for safety reasons. I left two submission guys in there before to do their thing and they went crashing recklessly into the shelving during their bout. So, this is why!

There is no wrestling ring any more, but a decent-sized and yielding mat space instead. It is something of a fetish-wrestling space now, with a large jacuzzi off to one side and two huge TV screens showing any kind of wrestling that you like. Pretty snazzy if you switch to the low red light! I'll put some pictures up on my profile of the place so you can see.

As most of you know, I'm a big wrestling fanatic in my own right, am available for bouts, and am currently struggling to organise tag team wrestling sessions in pro-style, submission or pro-mission wrestling. Only four guys are needed, and we can go up to six wrestlers. I have my own regular tag team partner, and a studly fellow he is too. So we are open for tag team bout challenges as well.

This is a jobbers-vs-heels discussion group, so I'm also available for those bouts too, in either the jobber or the heel roles. I'm wrestler-versatile.

By the way, just some info on what happened to the old wrestling ring. It's very contrary to what you have read here. Walthamstow were never in the offering to take the ring, and I never received any communication from them about it. The best individual to whom it could have gone was a tasty professional wrestler who wanted to set up a ring facility in his backyard. However, he was unable to obtain planning permission for the building necessary to house it. This guy made contact with Walthamstow about shared usage but was unable to get anywhere on that idea. Two female wrestling ladies had shown interest in the ring, but there was no success there either.

I was on the verge of getting it picked up and removed for scrap when a new wrestling promotion based in Blackpool made an offer for it. I accepted it right away, and eventually their wrestlers came and picked it all up. Preparations were then made for the dismantling of the big shed in which the ring had been housed.

However, things changed at home (home being Scotland) and no longer necessitated our moving back there. So we, my partner and I, decided to stay here in London for a bit longer. Had the cause of the change of mind happened before the ring went, then we'd still have one here. But as we say over a cold Guinness in Glasgow, "C'est la vie!"

I have had the idea to buy another wrestling ring and install it again, but there is already a ring in London, so we don't really need another. I have an idea to install a large portable pool about 12' in diameter, surround it with a cage structure, and set up a wrestling cockpit arena instead. It has the advantage of also being usable for water and pool wrestling bouts, which - if you have never tried it - totally rocks!

Anyway, it will all depend on how interested guys are in using the Grove Park mat space in future.



Balletboy (0)

2024-10-29 05:58

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Dear Ian.

Hello this is Balletboy remember me ?

You were my very first wrestling guy who worked me over when l came to see you.

You only had mats on the floor but you really worked me well and wedgied me off while l was just wearing my black lycra and spandex ballet tights !

You even wanted to f**k me good but l refused but now l regret it.

Wondering if you would be willing to invite me and work me over erotically and wedgie me off good as a jobber wrestling dummy.

I would like to be used as a group wrestling jobber dummy and even hire me out as a jobber so you can make money for your business.

Message me on

07988 39 32 44 as my sim card not accepting phone calls.

Genuine request and offer from Balletboy aka leotard lover!


playmate2022 (2)

2024-07-11 08:06

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Sounds great mate


Warrior (1)

2024-07-08 18:02

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Thank-you for the update.


poseidon (5)

2024-07-07 17:25

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Sounds interesting fella


subtime123 (1)

2024-07-07 16:42

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Great to see u again Iain looking forward to renewing our on going battles. I will def be using your facility again.


wrestler4u (2)

2024-07-08 03:56

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We are wrestling there on July 10th and 17th.

Get ready to suffer—manfully!!


subtime123 (1)

2024-07-11 15:09

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Bring it on man cannot wait to make you suffer again see u soon.


cosmicjester (0)

2024-02-04 14:25

Hi Guys, hoping for some help here. Me and a mate want to find a venue to practice in London. Can anyone recommend a place to hire? We are south london but happy to travel


wrestler4u (2)

2024-07-08 03:58

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Grove Park is available to practice in.

Contact me directly for more info.

If you want any specific coaching, I'll give you that too.


poseidon (5)

2024-02-04 22:59

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Go to Walthamstow I think as that is a proper venue in my opinion mate


Centaur (73)

2024-02-04 20:14

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Hi fella, only ones left that are not club based is Walthamstow and Seven Sisters depending on what style you want


Warrior (1)

2024-01-10 15:59

The ring in Walthamstow venud is still the original venue ring. I have been informed,


FoxyBoxer (19)

2024-01-11 04:04

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It probably is, but has just been repurposed for pro wrestling instead of boxing, hence the corner pads being removed and the canvas squeaking to break falls and stuff. Cuz I was informed it's now a wrestling ring, and felt like such when I used it recently this year


Warrior (1)

2024-01-11 10:46

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Oh I see.
The owner brought the Grove Park ring.
And uts supposed to go into a new venue in London but not heard anymore


FoxyBoxer (19)

2024-01-10 07:40

Hey guys so the Walthamstow ring had turned into a wrestling ring now when it was previously a boxing ring. Thus isn't a super big deal but it does mean that it creaks a lot when my opponents and I start stepping around which drowns out the sound of our punches landing / leather being traded which is the hottest part about boxing matches. Just wondering if anyone knows about any alternatives spaces for boxing w a ring that's built for it?


Centaur (73)

2024-01-10 13:48

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Not that isn’t club based I’m afraid


FoxyBoxer (19)

2024-01-10 14:03

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Fair - doubt any clubs would be open to renting out their rings to gay erotic boxing matches either


Warrior (1)

2024-01-10 09:11

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So the ring is now the proper wrestling ring? So that would he the Grove Park ring that's been put in there.


Centaur (73)

2024-01-10 13:48

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No it’s a different one Grove Park is packed up


poseidon (5)

2024-01-09 17:51

Have not heard of any new wrestling venues opening in London thus far .


Warrior (1)

2024-01-09 17:20

Any new about n the New venue opening in London.
Will house the Grove Park ring but nothing more has been said or did I miss it.


Shadow Knight (76 )

2023-01-25 18:18

Has anyone heard about the reopening of the matroom at Stockwell?


WrestlerUK (11)

2024-02-05 14:31

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Definitely closed spoke to him the other week and no plans for that to change. Such a shame !


glakes (20)

2023-04-04 15:15

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It's back open and he is taking bookings. I should have been there today for a match but he cancelled last minute yesterday saying it was no longer available and we'd need to reschedule.


poseidon (5)

2023-04-06 08:31

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Well if he wants to keep a good reputation that needs to stop I’d tip him bollocks and go to Walthamstow, unless a good reason.


Centaur (73)

2023-04-05 09:17

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Stockwell or Grove Park?


poseidon (5)

2023-04-06 08:31

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Grove closed big fella last year


glakes (20)

2023-04-05 11:28

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Grove Park closed last year? Stockwell mat room is still open


Stephenphoto (7)

2022-03-06 17:18

I understand that the ring from Grove Park will be staying in London.
Not heard where and when though (or who is/are new owner(s), but I do know the ring is dismantled ready to be moved as Ian sent me pics last week.
I now of and have used Walthamstow, was trying to find out if there was another private ring venue in London that anyone on here was aware of.


Dragonbear (14)

2022-03-06 16:33

When I last messaged Iain at Grove park, discussions were underway to sell the ring but no new venue at that time (2-3 weeks back); I have used Walthamstow once... it's not easy to get to. The only other place I know is a matroom in Barnet


Mikeywrestles (16)

2022-03-11 00:46

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Walthamstow is very easy to get to. It's a short walk from Walthamstow train station, which is well connected


Stephenphoto (7)

2022-02-28 14:55

With the closure of Grove Park imminent, does any any member know of any other private hire venue with a ring (not including Walthamstow) located in London at all ?

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