USA boys can of course be Latino. But Portuguese men are the ultimate, in my book, whether or not they immigrate to the US. (At this point in time, it is more likely an American boy would emigrate to Lisbon!)
I find these two pictures of a pro wrestling match of an American boy versus a Latin opponent, who seems to be older than the USA boy. These are the only pictures that I fund. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THIS MATCH FINISH? Let your imagination fly, no limits and comment.
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Take off their trunks and fight it out to a knockout. I think the Latino would finish the American and pose with his foot on his bare chest, then kiss him deeply...
I find these two pictures of a pro wrestling match of an American boy versus a Latin opponent, who seems to be older than the USA boy. These are the only pictures that I fund. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THIS MATCH FINISH? Let your imagination fly, no limits and comment.
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LisbonWrestler (39)
2019-03-25 23:04Excuse me the comment but...what is a "USA" boy? Also, can t "USA" boys be Latino?
ltwtveteran (21)
2019-03-26 16:25(Som svar till detta)
USA boys can of course be Latino. But Portuguese men are the ultimate, in my book, whether or not they immigrate to the US. (At this point in time, it is more likely an American boy would emigrate to Lisbon!)
LisbonWrestler (39)
2019-03-26 20:01(Som svar till detta)
Sweet... :-))))))))
I d still like to know what is a "USA boy "....I m curious... :-)))))))))
Txwresl (283)
2019-03-26 21:25(Som svar till detta)
When you and I wrestle I will show you a USA Latino boy :-)
Southcoast Guy (34)
2016-07-10 10:28where can we see a clip of this match ?
the natureboy (16)
2016-04-21 07:22USA boy to crush him
hewon (0 )
2016-04-21 00:33Second picture of this match.... Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.
hewon (0 )
2016-04-21 00:28I find these two pictures of a pro wrestling match of an American boy versus a Latin opponent, who seems to be older than the USA boy. These are the only pictures that I fund. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THIS MATCH FINISH? Let your imagination fly, no limits and comment. Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.
Bi Boxer (0)
2019-03-25 02:02(Som svar till detta)
Take off their trunks and fight it out to a knockout. I think the Latino would finish the American and pose with his foot on his bare chest, then kiss him deeply...
glassdoor (0)
2019-03-25 15:27(Som svar till detta)
I agree Bi Boxer. And losing would be hott since Latino guys are awesome kissers.
hewon (0 )
2016-04-21 00:22I find these two pictures of a pro wrestling match of an American boy versus a Latin opponent, who seems to be older than the USA boy. These are the only pictures that I fund. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THIS MATCH FINISH? Let your imagination fly, no limits and comment. Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.