Jobbers v heels

Ideal Jobber?

marco argen (0 )

2021-12-15 14:01

Jobber here, hit me up!


austinwrestle (10)

2021-12-15 20:55

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Mean, nasty, relentless heel here. You want some? Can you handle it?


Houstonpro (32)

2021-12-08 15:03

Brad Armstrong....all time fav jobber.


austinwrestle (10)

2021-12-12 16:06

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Yeah, I could have happily spent some time in the ring heeling him.


expat (6 )

2021-12-07 15:10

The ideal jobber doesn't 'look like' a jobber at all. He looks and carries himself as if he will be a real challenge. But then he goes down easily and suffers from start to finish


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-08 09:48

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Like so many things in life, it all depends. Exhibit A in support of your argument is the incredibly hot Kenny Kendall, who had an irresistible torso and a ludicrous mullet hairdo and looked like a very worthy opponent during the pro forma introductions – only to get thoroughly demolished time after time after time. But you have on the other hand a rather different jobber archetype in the (pudgy) person of Jim Jamison, who is one of my top role models and an enduring inspiration down through the years...


austinwrestle (10)

2021-12-12 16:08

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One of my favorite matches of all time is Kenny Kendall vs a young and relatively new pro, Alex Wright before he tried to go heel and looked ridiculous. It was more a face vs face match and it was hot!


Houstonpro (32)

2021-12-14 15:41

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nice - I'll need to dig this one up. Face vs Face bouts are way hot IMHO!


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-14 15:56

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You can say that again!


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-12 16:57

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I adore KK, though I can't even begin to picture him turning heel. Unless of course I've got it backwards and it was young Alex who went heel...


Gregorio2 (10)

2021-12-21 22:34

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Are you familiar with Ian Weston?


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-22 14:02

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Checked him out on and I definitely recall seeing some of the beatdowns that Kevin Sullivan and others administered to Weston in the past. Like Oakes, Weston is a consummate salesman who is worthy of emulating inside the squared circle. But tbh, I prefer the smaller jobbers, especially the ones who wore classic, high-waisted trunks instead of singlets and also knew how to take a real bad beating. I'm thinking of folks like Al Phillips, Henry Garcia and the incomparable Jim Jamison. But that's just me...


Gregorio2 (10)

2021-12-22 19:50

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Whiteboots, you're right on the money, watching Job Guy's Jamison compilation on youtube is like eating comfort food.
Same for Al Phillips's beatdowns, and Henry Garcia on the old SWCW.
Liking your taste in jobbers


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-23 17:34

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Much appreciated, thanks!


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-21 22:36

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Name definitely rings a bell


austinwrestle (10)

2021-12-12 20:35

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It was Alex who turned.


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-13 18:40

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Thank God and thank you for clarifying! My illusions about Kenny K. would have been shattered to have learned he had turned heel in the later stages of his (alleged) career...


Prodaltx (9)

2021-12-19 19:17

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Whiteboots, Kenny Kendall was a total jobber as was Ron Oakes. However Kenny Kendall defeated Ron Oakes when they wrestled. I wish I could find the video of that match but no such luck. Here is another Ron Oakes match in case you are not familiar with him.


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-20 14:27

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Many many thanks indeed for putting Ron Oakes on my radar screen, had never heard of him until now. One of the all-time best salesmen among the pro jobbers I've seen down through the years. I'll be studying this video closely in the coming days with an eye towards the new year...


austinwrestle (10)

2021-12-20 15:49

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Yeah, make some notes on Ron for OUR match!


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-21 14:50

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Will be sure to do so!


Gregorio2 (10)

2021-12-08 19:42

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Thaniks, I was unaware of his talents until your writing


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-08 20:44

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without cumming first, I meant to write


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-08 20:44

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Most welcome. I've never actually been able to get through the entire compilation video without cumming...


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2021-12-07 15:15

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Lol, I like that answer.


expat (6 )

2021-12-07 15:17

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You like that answer because it describes YOU :-D


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2021-12-07 15:36

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No idea what you're talking about. I definitely do not go down easy.


glovelover (4)

2021-12-02 00:37

The boxing jobber must take every punch and welcome it. He must accept his punishment with pleasure. he must submot to a KO.


Spunki (14)

2021-10-24 05:43

A jobber who can take such a beating that no heel can maintain their stamina. A jobber who wins by default because nobody can make him submit! Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.


Bill Parker (47)

2021-10-24 11:39

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Damn. Or someone who can distract a heel by being tall, thin, and smooth! 😲😲😲. Hot pic.


Gregorio2 (10)

2021-12-03 07:32

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Or the tall, thin, smooth jobber can be a magnet for a heat seeking Heel


ScottT (1)

2021-10-26 20:53

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I like the way you're thinkin' Bill!


glovelover (4)

2021-10-23 20:27

my fave is a one sided brutal boxing match! punching a jobber for the fun of the gloved punishment, toying with him hitting him with enjoyment! knockouts are wanted! use the gloves as leather weapons.


whiteboots (7)

2021-12-09 09:51

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Fully realize this might not be everybody's cup of tea in this particular site, but here's one of my all-time favorite one-sided prizefighting bouts (if you want to skip all the preliminary build-up stuff, you can jump to the 2:28 juncture of the video):


MakatiFighter (21 )

2021-10-25 06:00

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Love this!


bellyboi (0)

2021-07-08 19:12

My ideal of a perfect jobber is someone who exists for the amusement of the heel.
To me the perfect jobber is a pain pig who loves especially being hit multiple times in the stomach by and for the enjoyment of the heel. But also receiving face slapping, hair pulling and other forms of punishment from time to time.
A perfect jobber is someone who receives the pain, punishment and humiliation plain and simple.
He doesn't wear a lot of clothing, shows off his body to the point of being at least half naked to the heel and is vulnerable to being mistreated because of it.
I love being a jobber and am always looking for sadistic heels of the kind I have mentioned. Especially ones who will hit me hard in the solar plexus without worrying about whether it knocks the wind out of me or not. Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.


N0ahW01fang (4)

2021-10-27 00:19

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Put some cocky attitude or tenacity in their and you just described my kind of jobber.


little rJ (17)

2021-07-07 23:45

I’m definitely the ideal jobber lol


Pinfan (2 )

2021-12-06 15:36

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Absolutely no lie here


New2this (31)

2021-06-27 23:33

Wow, hot stories! Thanks for sharing :D


metuck12 (70)

2021-06-26 03:53

Great story Bill.
I agree completely that the best jobber is the one who thought he could win, or at least make it an even fight where one guy loses but maintains the dignity of a well-fought match. Similarly, I fought a young guy who had an awesome body, broad shoulders down to a narrow waist with a flat stomach that did not feature the sculpted abs of models and bodybuilders, but the kind of abs that only show up when he flexes them. My favourite. I also quickly noticed his massive muscular thighs, such as one traditionally finds on an international rugby player, and quickly made a mental note to keep my head away from those skull crushers...submission would be the only escape if I were so unlucky (lucky?) to be trapped between them (I had named them Scylla and Charybdis). I realised this was a match I could easily lose. I had only been made a jobber twice before and heeled over 50 guys. On those two occasions, I had learned that being a jobber could be enjoyable as well…but I still preferred to win.

During pre-match chatting, he had asked what my weakness was. Reluctant to divulge this information I, of course asked his, saying I would name mine second. He is taller than I am, much younger, and with much more defined muscles, he must have decided that with his muscles and fitness, I was too small to take advantage of his weakness, which turned out to be a bearhug. I reciprocated revealing my weakness.

He was good enough to host and I fell in love with the rippling back muscles he revealed when he took off his shirt to prepare for the match. I believe I surprised him with my strength and my speed, and I do not believe he was aware of the danger he was in when, for the vast majority of the first half hour of the match, he was on the bottom supporting my bodyweight the whole time. His solid defences began to slip as I noted a shift and he was slower to respond and more likely to accept humiliations like face slapping, wedgies and spanking without massive retaliation to conserve his waning strength and endurance. Carrying my weight was sapping him and it was quickly becoming too late for him to fix his mistake.

It was a ridiculously hot and humid summer day with no air conditioning. We were both shiny with sweat but it only highlighted his tight muscles as his torso heaved while trying to regain his breath. Not wanting to waste the advantage I had earned, I made sure he was constantly working to defend himself or to struggle for air such as when I had him caught in a head scissors with his nose and mouth deep into the crotch of my Speedos. So desperate was he for air that he was forced to suck huge mouthfuls from around my sweaty balls, the restricted air flow meant that he could not satisfy his need and I could feel the strength ebbing from him.

Sensing the moment every heel loves, not when you know that you have succeeded in making the reluctant boy your jobber, rather, the moment he knows he has assumed the role he had been hoping to force upon you, or to at least avoid, I pushed my advantage and targeted his abs for some abuse. His fatigue meant his massive biceps and shoulder muscles could only be used to grasp and slap at my arms and back in protest as I easily shrugged them off and, like a good jobber, he, eventually, lay back, arms spread helplessly above and beside his head as he strove to endure the punishment instead of trying to stop it.

Standing up and getting off his chest he, predictably, rolled onto his side into a ball while wrapping his arms around his aching mid-section. Not wanting him to recuperate, as he rolled, I grabbed his hair and pulled him up mid-roll, so his momentum brought him neatly to his feet, almost without him realising it. Instead of his arms going around his mid-section to sooth his aching abs they went around my shoulders and neck as I hauled him off his feet and into a bear hug. I was dubious about this ‘weakness’ he had mentioned as I am aware that a bearhug does little damage to the opponent (unless he is much smaller – this guy was slightly bigger than me) and actually is massively draining to the guy applying the hold. A good mathematician, I tend to avoid giving bearhugs. However, I was curious about this ‘weakness’ and, started to squeeze, I was rewarded with a low groan and felt his body melt into mine. I shifted his weight some while holding him aloft and the groans increased. Sensing the weakness, I began to shake him about more vigorously but aware that his weight was such that I could not keep this up for long. Happily, his weakness was a severe one as he gave a more guttural groan, throwing his head and shoulders back and then his limp body came forward again to rest against mine, utterly surrendered into my care.

Dropping him onto his back, his arms and legs akimbo in the familiar pro-jobber pose I thought could only be staged, his impressive disgrace was obvious through his Speedos. I bent to relieve him of his last vestige of respectability encountering zero resistance, and he lay naked at my feet. I was keenly aware that things could have easily gone much differently (remember those massive thighs?) so this victory over a potential rival was exhilarating. Enjoying this power over such a hot young boy, I again grabbed him by the hair, accompanied by verbal abuse to prod him into motion, dragged him to his feet. His arms hung at his sides, no longer even giving token resistance. A few more holds, a lot more humiliation and then another bearhug, another eruption and he was a completely spent and completely happy, jobber boy.

Like Bill, I wish I lived closer this boy. Would love to have more matches. Could easily see myself dating him. The potential to lose, not being sure that I would obtain the heel role and may have to suffer the humiliations myself, I find, adds such much more excitement and intensity to the match.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2021-07-06 15:40

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Sounds like you had a really fun experience, that's for sharing.


ks56 (10)

2021-06-27 06:54

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Great story, my kind of match!


equipe (11)

2021-06-25 09:14

salut quelle belle renvontre et surtout quel deroulement que nous aimerions tous vivre


Bill Parker (47)

2021-06-23 16:57

I’ve had a couple of all-time favorite matches. I won’t mention any names in public because some of the guys are secret squirrel like me. And a couple of them are no longer on site. ☹️
Generally, I like a smaller guy with a tight bod (Who doesn’t?) who really fights back and makes me work for it. Occasionally I enjoy a totally one-sided match, but my favorite is a smaller guy who gives me 100%. The type of person who would undoubtedly kick my ass if I let them.
I think my all-time favorite jobber was a guy who used to be on MF. He was visiting Florida for a month with his partner and came across my profile late at night. I guess his partner agreed to let him go out and have fun on the wrestling scene. We chatted and traded pictures for a short while and he agreed to meet that night! He showed up at my house late and I actually got kind of nervous because I thought he was so hot. Maybe 5 foot 8 and 140. Shaggy black hair. And totally cool. No weirdness. About 30 years old. By comparison I am 5 foot 10 and 200. We chatted for a while and he stripped down to these tight red Calvin Klein briefs. He told me he had a background in high school wrestling and that was no joke. Perfect body too. He told me he liked to be dominated and played with. But he said it had to be a real victory. He wasn’t going to give me any breaks. But if I managed to pin him or make him tap, it would get him really worked up and I could basically make a toy out of him after that. 😲
So we started wrestling on a mat on the floor. He was really strong and still very skilled. I was trying to grab him and pin him. He was using his defensive skills and making it very hard for me too move him around. Pulling away, bridging, and being very evasive and slippery. He fought me off for a while and I was getting very tired. My cardio is kind of sucky. Finally I was able to use my brute strength to get him down. I caught his arm and put him in a nasty chicken wing. Got on top of him and hooked my other arm around his neck in a chokehold. Then I really wrenched his arm up hard and forced him to tap out. He was getting spent at this point but I could tell he was having a great time. Round two was basically the same thing. I just got rougher with him. Wore him out. Eventually slammed him down on the floor and got on top of him for a pin that he couldn’t escape. Crossbody with another arm bar and the little dude flat on his back... we were both kind of gasping for air but he had this huge smile on his face. He couldn’t move at all and finally tapped a second time. I had him wedged up against my couch so I grabbed his ankles and dragged him into The middle of the floor. Pulled off his little Calvins and he was hard as a rock. Then I stripped mine off and stepped over him. Sat down on his tight little chest. Pinned his biceps under my knees and slid forward with my junk in his face. Slapped him around a little bit and pulled his hair. Flexed my biceps. I won’t put the details on this thread, but let’s just say he really rewarded my efforts! For hours...
We wrestled again one or two more times Before he went up north. Eventually I think his partner got miffed with his extracurricular activities and he disappeared from MF. Oh well, fun while it lasted. But that was my type of jobber! I almost fell in love. LOL . If you get bored, send me a message. I have a couple of pictures floating around from that match too.


Houstonpro (32)

2021-12-08 15:02

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Great story....I am from Tampa...and wonder if I have met your jobber :)


wrestler251 (7 )

2021-12-02 14:21

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Wow man that really interesting


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2021-07-06 15:42

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I think I know who you're talking about, he challenged me, but I had never heard back from him again. Sounds like you had fun though.


Chiitaljock (95)

2021-06-27 18:12

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My kind of match. Bring it on


wdo777 (1)

2021-06-24 09:48

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That's an awesome story!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2021-06-23 14:03

To the Heels that like to obliterate jobbers. What is your favorite kind of jobber? Have you faced them already? What do they look like? What do the wear? What's their personality like? I want all the details guys.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2021-07-06 15:44

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I want to add to this question, do you guys have pics to share of what your ideal jobber looks like. It doesn't have to be a vid, but just solid pic of them, figured that would be a fun thing to share.


Bill Parker (47)

2021-07-07 02:13

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This is a decent picture of my favorite jobber, the one from the story below. I had him show up for one match wearing jeans and a T-shirt. I was playing with him a little bit before we started wrestling for real, and had to snap a picture. You can really see the size difference between us. Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.


N0ahW01fang (4)

2021-06-27 00:05

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ide say my kind of jobber would fit into my kinks. In s&m terms, I'm a natural brat tamer. I like to overpower cocky/bratty opponents. But I don't just want them to lose, I want to see them fight back with little results. I also love it when they tempt me to try and break their body. Cause ide be happy to surprise them with cbt, then punish with my favorite techniques. But most importantly I like it when a jobber squeals, grunts, and groans


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2021-07-06 15:43

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Sounds like you value jobbers with great sellable personalities. And one with stamina, lol.


N0ahW01fang (4)

2021-07-06 17:47

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Indeed. I think a jobber is not a jobber unless he sells it with a persona that matches.

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