Full Clothing Fight

How's this?

slimp (0)

2020-08-05 04:46

I enjoy being dressed like this, then losing a fight to a guy who enjoys gut punching. Does this make me look like an enjoyable target?


MudFighterMel (0)

2020-08-05 09:41

(Som svar till detta)

it does indeed and my bare knuckles would love to batter you! to start with, then knees boots pipes hammers chains anything you can take i can be a brutal fukka!! sorry we are so far apart though!!


slimp (0)

2020-08-06 03:29

(Som svar till detta)

Thanks for your response! The distance is unfortunate. The only request I'd make is that you leave my body intact enough that I could keep returning for more punishment.


MudFighterMel (0)

2020-08-06 20:16

(Som svar till detta)

My pleasure! Unfortunately yes!! But if we did fight I would do as you ask!


slimp (0)

2020-08-05 04:51

(Som svar till detta)

I couldn't re-upload a picture in the original message, so here it is. Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.

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