Cock And Ball Torture

How do you ask for?

Balletboy (0)

2023-08-11 07:40

Joey this is me being worked over.

This is what l like having done TO me.

I was shoulder racked as you can see.

I was stretched to the point whereby my head was touching my feet.

While l was racked l was groped and had my balls squeezed abd crushed and my cock flattend and stretched out of shape.

This was a schoolboy dream come true for me.

If l had not asked this heel to work me like this by carrying me around the ring like this, l would have missed out on this schoolboy dream of mine.


JoeyMaven (1)

2023-08-10 21:13

How do you find people to kick you in the balls? I try Grindr and sometimes I fish something yet most of the time people there are hideous, monosyllabic, uncompromising with anything but penetration. I'd like to try something more casual and less sex-oriented (not looking into it anyway).

Did you... ask ever a coworker/friend? casually talk into it to some strangers drinking alongside the street? Provoke someone into it by sacktapping him? Daring, betting something?

Looking for in real time experiences from you all. Hopefully I'll get my own this way :D


Balletboy (0)

2023-08-11 07:34

(Som svar till detta)

Hi to me l do the Del Boy speech - Del Boys famous speech - He Who Dares Wins.

If you do not then you may lose out in that opportunity for the rest of your life and will regret it.

On this Meetfighter site, under the section New stuff my videos have been uploaded.

My videos are called

Balletboy v Rosie and Stephen.

In my videos l have dressed up as a jobber female wrestler.

I am being worked over big time.

I am being wedgie bounced up and down in the centre of the ring and in the top ropes.

This has been aschool boy dream for me.

I told Stephen and Rosie what l liked having done to me. They said they wanted to wrestle me more than wedgie me off. However they loved wedging me so much that in all three of my videos, Stephen and Rosie wedgied me more than wrestled me.

You see if l had not asked - had not did the Del Boy dare, l would not have had my school boy dreams come true.

Infact Stephen loved working me so much that at the end of August, he is going to work me again and film me but this time a woman known as Kate who is over 200 pounds in weight will be squashing the hell out of me as a jobber.

I am going TO be used and abused and thrown about like a rag doll jobber girl wrestling dummy.

I am going to be wedgied off big time and l am going to be dangled by my thongs and suspended on all fours and lifted off the ground by Kate and Stephen and lifted up and down off the ground by my thongs, in order to be used as a human weight. I will also be swung around by my thongs and made to fly free like an ice skater is swung around by the arms when she partners with a male ice skater.

I am also going TO be wedgie plexed off big time and while this is happening l will be forced to straighten my legs and criss cross them and bend my legs and pose my likes like a ballerina would.

Also just this Tuesday gone, a woman came up TO me and asked me for some money. All she wanted as 80 pence.

I did not have that.

However l stayed around and watched her begging and thought how she could help me if l paid her.

I asked her would she be interested in wedging me off in my leotards and tights.

She said she would.

She took me to her flat and l paid her.

I dressed up as a girlie dancer.

She worked me over for three hours.

She even squeezed and crushed my nuts and twisted my cock round and round and bent it out of shape and kept twisting my cock one way and my cock head the other and pulled and stretched my balls and bent my cock under my legs while l was dressed as a ballerina in my catsuits and gymnastic leotards.

So l had another one of my school boy dreams come true.

So Joey just do it - just ask.

I have my pics on this site and so many guys have messaged to work me over in my gymnastic leotards and ballet tights and leotard wedgie me off.

If l did not put this down in my profile, no one would know what l wanted. Now that guys know what a great jobber wrestling girl l am, they just can not wait to work me over.

This month l know for sure at least three heels want to use me as a wrstling dummy, not including Kate and Stephen who will be filming me being worked and sell the films on this site.

So Joey, my advise to you is, as the Nike advert says - Just Do It !

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