Bigger VS Smaller Matches

Small overpowers Big

scotsguy61 (4)

2016-01-17 13:09

Great poc, you look pretty darn powerful there Mr


sleepermuscle (117 )

2016-01-06 13:36

I am not a huge guy, 6' 188 but I got some muscle. Looking for a lean or muscled guy smaller than me to work over at first and show him what my muscles can do. Then the tables get turned and he renders my power useless with a riding back sleeper and other holds to make me suffer in while he talks trash.
Wrestlefest NYC Feb 19-24...I will be there ready to take on that punk! Logga in för att se fotoalbumet.


KickOutChamp (56)

2016-01-18 13:54

(Som svar till detta)

good lukc stud - you have a great look!

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