Hardcore Fighter VS LuchadorChinito (3-day Big Streetfight)
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fredagen 9 maj 2025
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Kommentarer 18
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Facepuncher (1)
för 18 dagar sedanI hope that Hardcore Fighter doesn't get beaten down badly so we can make our fight happen as well :)
LuchadorChinito (106 )
för 18 dagar sedanWell, sadly, he will be beaten up very badly hahaha
Facepuncher (1)
för 18 dagar sedanDon't put him in a hospital because my fists are waiting for him next!
Wrestlertoo (107)
för 29 dagar sedanPoor old hard-core Fighter...I hope Checkie goes easy on you....
LuchadorChinito (106 )
2025-02-04 17:32Thank you buddy. You know I am very excited about this, because I want to dominate a big streetfighter all the time!!!
LuchadorChinito (106 )
2025-01-28 21:32Until one surrenders!!! Yeahh both with gloves and bare knuckles
Boxe (5)
för 2 dagar sedanHave a nice fight!