Wrestlefest in Chicago?

Spidey (3)

2023-11-26 23:18

If we could get a bunch of them to put up for a large suite for a weekend we could do it.I be up to help in that


chicagocroix (16)

2023-11-30 01:33

(Som svar till detta)

I'd contribute to a suite or two.


MatMeatUp (3)

2023-11-21 00:52

Have hesitated attending hotel only wrestling gatherings. Be great if someone could host a central wrestling location for matches in addition to people using their hotel rooms. I was hoping that one of gay campgrounds would be a potential hosting site during the summer.


WrslrJim (12)

2023-11-21 18:52

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Hillside used to be one. Takes a lot to organize.


Gutboxer (48)

2023-11-20 22:09

Maybe have gutpunching included for a GutPunch Gathering.


chicagocroix (16)

2023-11-16 21:10

Chicago would a great place. Good location, easy flights, lots of accommodations. I'd attend for sure.


hellcatedy (47)

2023-11-18 16:48

(Som svar till detta)

It would be cool to set up a Wrestlefest here in Chicago.


Pinmeifyoucan (40)

2023-11-16 16:42

Chicago was a hotbed of wrestling up until 2016 when I left. I was getting to roll 1 to 2 x weekly. I'm signing up for Wrestle fest in NYC. Love submission wrestling 💪


Scooter (71 )

2023-11-16 08:27

Hey man. To my knowledge, there has not been a Wrestlefest type of event in Chicago. I bet Chicago, or even Indianapolis, would be popular places for one.


Wrestman317 (29 )

2023-04-14 15:47

I’ve always seen wrestlefests happening in New York, Pennsylvania, and now Canada, but I’ve never seen or even heard of a wrestlefest here in Chicago, had there been one before or has it never been done here

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