Private BJJ lessons in NJ

Wrestlers90 (1)

2024-07-21 01:21

anyone have any ideas on where to find someone who can train me in BJJ? Looking for a regular training partner or even a group. Trying to increase my skills while I look for a new BJJ school.


Wrestler155 (16 )

2024-07-30 13:04

(Som svar till detta)

So many people do bjj now a days; it’s so main stream it’s even in schools. It should be easy to find training partners around the gym or through friends. You just have to put yourself out there.


gymrat (37)

2024-07-26 14:19

(Som svar till detta)

I'm perplexed - schools are typically the answer to group lessons, unless oyu find an instructor to moonlight (yes, maybe here). They seem to be everywhere these days

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