Notifications- how to turn off?

hephaestion2014 (47)

2015-10-31 02:05

Well if its notifications as to an individual updating their profile, if you go to your administration page on your profile and click on past opponents and favourites, you have the option to turn off notifications either for single wrestlers or the whole lot there.

If you are talking about the messages from Admin informing you of the changes in the site, such as other users posting in groups and forums, you can't turn them off.

Embrace them. They are a good way to see what else is happening on the site, and really only take a second to delete if there is nothing relevant to you there.

Hope that is of some help.



2015-11-01 17:48

(Som svar till detta)

I could not have said that better. :)
Thank you!


funraufer (4)

2015-10-30 10:33

Hey guys

MAybe i am just too stupid, but i dunno how to turn off them bloody notifications. I do not fricken care if someone changed his pic in a group and so on :O Hope you know a work around?


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