buddystl (45 )

2024-09-07 11:45

This is a wrestling site, primarily for men. It’s not a sex site or dating app.


If someone asks you to wrestle, and you do not want to, reply back to them, “Thank you for the offer, but it’s not something I’d like to do. Best wishes.”

You do not have to be a coward and make up lie after lie after lie. We’re all big boys. It’s okay to just say no and move on. But don’t waste everyone’s time stringing people along with a bunch of bs about how you got a tick bite, then it turned into breast cancer, and you need to have surgery to remove your unborn twin the doctor’s found in the lining of your anus. You don’t need to lie.

If you’re not interested, POLITELY DECLINE, or if you’re a spineless coward, block them.

We all know there are FAR TOO MANY just gross “people” on this site and indeed in the gay world. Don’t add to the negativity by being dishonest or wasting people’s time. Nobody needs to be strung along. Grow a pair, man up, tell the truth (politely) and move on. Be better to each other. Grow as a brotherhood of wrestlers instead of being vile.

Kindness costs nothing. Honesty gains you honor. Lying just lowers you.


yonkerswrangler (206)

2024-09-19 01:43

(Som svar till detta)

well said buddy

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