WFNYC Kickoff Party - Heartbreakers Ball 2025-02-14
Evenemangen på den här sidan organiseras inte av MeetFighters. Events är tillagda av våra medlemmar. MeetFighters är inte ansvarig för informationen på den här sidan.
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Event Description
This is the official kickoff party for Wrestlefest NYC 2025... the Heartbreaker's Ball.
Kickoff Party
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You Must RSVP
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Kickoff Party
You must be participating in this event to view the content.
Event Overview
- OrganisatörScooter
- EvenemangsynlighetThis event is private. Attendees must be confirmed by the event organizers and details are hidden from non-attendees.
- Datum2025-02-14 18:00
(fredag, i 38 dagar)
The event's time zone is based on its location. - Ansökningstidsfrist2025-02-14
(fredag, i 38 dagar) - Antal deltagare152 deltagare
- StatVi väntar på ansökningar
- Chatroom#WF_Kickoff_Party_Heartbreakers
- HändelseplatsUSA - New York
No fees to attend, but RSVP is required.
All costs have been paid for by MeetKink, MeetFighters, & WatchFighters. Thank you.
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Guest book
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Quick Chat
You must be participating in this event to view the content.
Det är ett privat evenemang. Du måste vara på deltagarlistan för att titta på listan.
Endast deltagare får titta på forumen associerade med det här evenemanget.
Content related to this event is only available to attendees.
Content related to this event is only available to attendees.