Pro time in Nor Cal 2025-02-22

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Event Overview
  • OrganisatörProinca
  • Datum
    2025-02-22 10:00
    The event's time zone is based on its location.
  • Längd
    8 dagar
  • Ansökningstidsfrist
  • Antal deltagare
    16 deltagare
  • Stat
    Händelsen avslutit
  • Händelseplats
    USA - California

We can split the cost. Is 200$ for 6 hours. Have to sign waiver and clean up ring after. It’s a private pro ring.

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Event Description

If your into pro and got the gear and attitude. Come join us for the day at a private ring. Nice guys. No assholes or attitude

Here is the addres
1282 Hassett Ave
Yuba City, CA 95991
United States

You have to sign waiver. No blood and no erotic. Justyn some good ole pro wrestling. Will start around 10. Have it till 5. Cost is actually 350 cause I added more time. Message me with any questions

Afterwards those that want to come back to my place we can Hottub to relive sore muscles and watch matches and hang out and eat

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