StrikeFighter's Big Blast (Fight Weekend) 2025-01-24

Evenemangen på den här sidan organiseras inte av MeetFighters. Events är tillagda av våra medlemmar. MeetFighters är inte ansvarig för informationen på den här sidan.

Event Overview
  • OrganisatörStrikeFighter
  • EvenemangsynlighetThis event is private. Attendees must be confirmed by the event organizers and details are hidden from non-attendees.
  • Datum
    2025-01-24 19:00
    (fredag, i 21 dagar)
    The event's time zone is based on its location.
  • Längd
    3 dagar
  • Ansökningstidsfrist
    (torsdag, i 20 dagar)
  • Antal deltagare
    8 deltagare
  • Stat
    Vi väntar på ansökningar
  • Händelseplats

€20 (whole weekend)
€10 (one day only)

This includes snacks on Friday evening and breakfast and (basic) lunch on Saturday and Sunday. We'll have dinner as a group in a reasonably priced restaurant on Saturday evening (not included.)
(If you want to enjoy a post-match beer or wine, please bring your own.)

The 'whole weekend' fee also includes a place to sleep, but you'll be asked to bring your own towel(s), sleeping bag / bed linen, and possibly an airbed or camping mattress.

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Event Description

StrikeFighter's Big Blast
A weekend of submission, boxing, gp and laidback hanging out at StrikeFighter's matroom / boxing ring in Heemskerk, 25km northwest of Amsterdam (1hr by public transport.)

'Open mat meets sleepover', that's the idea.

Confirmed participants: Bamm-Bamm, Giant_Slayer, Realboxer, Excalibur, Armybob, StrikeFighter

To be confirmed: Libdray, Starp

  • Mats will be available from 19:00 on Friday 24 Jan till 16:00 on Sunday 26 Jan.
  • However, the mats (15m2 – one fight at a time) and boxing ring (5m2) can't be used simultaneously, so something of a schedule will be worked out beforehand based on participants' interests.
  • If you're interested in one modality and not in the other, don't let that put you off: there will be enough time for both, and there's always space to watch.
  • Spare boxing gloves available (but bring your own mouthguard)
  • Staying overnight is not mandatory and one-day participants are welcome.
  • A shower is available but you're kindly asked to bring your own towel(s)

Dress code

  • Up to you, but please be aware not all participants may be comfortable with skimpy gear. Suggestion: shirtless (or rashguard, if you must), and mma shorts / boxing trunks.
  • Bjj-practicioners, please leave your gi at home. There will not be enough room to hang kimonos out to air.
  • Mouthguards should be worn while boxing and are highly recommended for submission.

Please note that for privacy reasons the location is set at the nearest bus stop. The exact location will be shared with confirmed opponents before the event.

Also please note: some local martial arts friends of the organizer who are not members of this site may also attend.

And finally: if you're allergic to cats, this event is probably not for you.

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